Kevin Costner’s Divorce: The Surprising Truth Revealed

Kevin Coster and Christine Baumgartner

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner had been married for nearly 20 years, and their relationship seemed like the perfect union. Even the renowned actor himself was reportedly shocked when Baumgartner filed for divorce after 18 years of marriage. So, what led to this unexpected decision? Let’s dig deeper and find out.

It turns out that Baumgartner had been longing for Costner to spend more time at their Santa Barbara home with the family. Costner’s busy schedule and constant absence took a toll on their marriage. A source close to the couple revealed, “During filming, Kevin is not around very much. His absence has been very hard for her.”

Baumgartner’s concerns about Costner’s availability stemmed from his successful acting career, particularly his recent hit show Yellowstone, and his upcoming directorial debut in the Western epic Horizon. She didn’t want him to get too consumed by his work and neglect their family. “Christine doesn’t want him to throw himself into another project. She wasn’t happy about it,” the source added.

It seems that Costner’s professional success and excitement over his new project may have inadvertently caused him to lose sight of his family life. His absence was likely to continue, and the situation could have worsened over time. This created tension at home and ultimately led to Baumgartner filing for divorce, citing “irreconcilable disagreements.”

This is not Costner’s first divorce. He was previously married to Cindy Silva from 1978 to 1994, with whom he has three children. There were rumors of infidelity during their marriage, but Costner vehemently denied them. Despite the challenges, Costner maintained that he deeply cared for his ex-wife and wished her well.

Now, as Costner faces his second divorce, he has requested joint custody of their three children. His representative released a statement asking for privacy during this difficult time. The couple’s case will be heard in July.

The Costner family is undoubtedly going through a tough period in their lives. Let’s keep them in our thoughts as they navigate this challenging time. Stay tuned for updates on the actor and share this article with other fans to keep them informed.


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