It’s not hard to make her happy!

It takes a lot less than most people think to make a woman happy. I strongly believe that the only problems that arise are at the level of communication, because each person has his own way of looking at things and reacting … that’s why she is often misunderstood by him.


A woman is convinced that she does not need a lot of material things to be truly happy. She needs to be listened to, loved and loved in turn. And even if for you, men, things or very simply, we need from time to time small gestures coming from our own initiative. We do not ask you to sacrifice the title of male of the house, we do not want to trample on your manhood. We want to see that you care, we want some nice words, we want encouragement when we feel down to earth.


Yes, we need you to tell us from time to time what your feelings are for us … because we want you to tell us that you really care about us and that you love us. We want you to know that out of nowhere you still remember our existence and give us a text message or a sign of life. Small gestures that you may not consider so important to us matter a lot. It is strange that this information often reaches you late, after many problems caused by lack of words.


Therefore, speak! Tell each other how you feel. Talk about dreams, plans, achievements, feelings. Do not hide, because the fact that you hold only for yourself does not make you stronger, but only causes confusion and questions.


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