I wish you all the best in the world, much happiness and fulfillment …. on the opposite side of the world from me

There are people who hurt me with or without their will. (I wasted enough time splitting the thread in four, I got tired and realized that I didn’t really care.) The truth is, everyone knows what’s in their head and why they do the things they do. Each decides whether to listen to God or to live on his own. Everyone knows to what extent they are interested in how they are influenced by the way they influence the existence of the people around them.


I learned how to forgive them (and that’s because God taught me how to do it) … and I admit, from a certain dose of selfishness. I wanted to leave them behind, to kick them out of my life. And I did. And I’m still working on this. However, I believe that we humans must not hate, live full of regrets and frustrations. But it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for us alone to move forward without any resentment. Therefore, it would be much easier for us to ask for help from Someone who can help us and who comes with great joy when we ask Him … because otherwise he leaves us alone, because he gives us the right to choose .


For all the people who have appeared in my life just to test my limits, just to teach me something through suffering, I wish myself well. I want to have a beautiful life, full of happiness. And I still want him to stay away from me.


As much as I would like to be a really good person, I don’t want to be around the people who made me suffer. God does not force me to live an ugly and regretful life, but on the contrary. He invites me to follow Him, which I gladly accept. So instead of being negatively charged every time I have the opportunity, I’d rather go out of my way, even if it means sacrificing the presence of people closer or less close … And it’s a good thing I do for me, I leave them in their lives.


I invite you to do the same and leave any hatred or regret behind!


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