Even the worst days of your life have 24 hours …

We all have days that seem to never end, that bring with them fatigue, stress … and after all the torment you have to go through, the results of your work and suffering do not really exist, because it leaves behind suffering and disappointment. Such days will always come, whether we are talking about career success or personal life … there will always be plans that will not match reality, there will be disappointments and upsets … after which we will go to bed.


And the worst days still have 24 hours, even if they seem longer. Even if not every day brings success with it, even if you realize that you have much less than you thought, that you are very far from who God wants you to be … the days go by and they bring after them other days that give you new opportunities to go straight, change your course and do something really good.


Do not despair if after a bad day comes another, then another, at some point the evil will end and the time will come when you will get rid of worries and smile with all your heart. If you also go through a dark period during this time, get out of bed and think that sooner or later this period will end …


There is a very optimistic saying that she is going through life … let alone a bad day. No evil lasts indefinitely, no matter how unhappy we feel today. Tomorrow it can bring comfort, peace … but maybe you can’t even imagine how. So wait, live and try to be the best version of yourself every moment.


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