A 9-year-old boy hands a note to an unknown policeman in a restaurant.

Noah, 9, was eating breakfast with his mother at Denny’s when he observed a police officer alone at a nearby table.

Noah felt anxious right away. He knew he wanted to do something, but he didn’t know what.

He began planning a strategy after alerting his mother that the police officer had been observed.

Noah wanted to be a police officer since he was a child. He asked his mother for permission to pay Officer Eddie Benitez a visit and say hello.

Of course, his mother agreed, but when Noah approached Eddie, he became so nervous that he couldn’t talk. After a few minutes, he planned a fresh plan to make the officer jump out of his chair.

Noah planned to purchase Eddie’s breakfast using money he had set aside for his birthday.

Amanda, his mother, alerted the waitress, who informed her of the plan. After they paid Eddie’s charge, Noah put a note on the receipt.

Noah accepted the receipt and approached the officer.

When Eddie saw the boy approaching him, he was surprised as to why Noah had his receipt, but he quickly recognized what was going on. After reading what he had written, the child rushed out of his seat and posed for a photo with his new fan.

Eddie now keeps the note Noah wrote him every day since the gesture had such an impact on him.

It was quite significant. It meant that I had to get out of bed every morning, put on my uniform, and go about my business. Do you understand? It means that I must keep trying to set a good example for all of these young men.

The story had such an impact on them that Eddie’s company, the Lakeland Police Department, placed a photo of Noah and Eddie on their Facebook page.

Noah is more interested in becoming a police officer than ever before as a result of the good response to his compassionate gesture.

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