Jamie Lee Curtis openly discusses her sobriety: “I’d be dead”

Jamie Lee Curtis is an Oscar-winning actress who has had a successful career in the film industry.

She earned the award for the film Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, which won seven Oscars on a historic night. Jamie praised her family and others who have supported her “genre movies” throughout the years in her address.

However, aside from being an A-Lister, a wife, and a mother, she is most proud of her sobriety.

Curtis recently opened up about her history with opiate addiction on Morning Joe, saying that she has been free for 24 years and considers herself “incredibly lucky.”

During the conversation, the True Lies star revealed that some of her darkest times went ignored by others.

“My worst day was almost invisible to anyone else,” she confessed.

“I’m fortunate. “I didn’t make bad decisions while high or under the influence that I’ll regret for the rest of my life,” she admitted. “There are women in prison whose lives have been shattered by drugs and alcohol, not because they were violent felons, or because they were horrible people, but because they were addicts.”

“I am extremely fortunate that that was not my path,” she added.

When asked about her past, she recalled being an opiate addict who enjoyed the “opiate buzz.” Most importantly, she noted, “If fentanyl was available, as easily available as it is today on the street, I’d be dead.”

Curtis was an addict until 1999, when she chose to change her life for the better. She used to live a second life of stealing and plotting without her family and friends knowing.

Today, she considers her opiate-free path to be her greatest accomplishment, calling it “the key to freedom, the freedom to be me, to not be looking in the mirror in the reflection and trying to see somebody else.”

“I examine myself in the mirror. I recognize myself. I like myself. And now I’m moving on because you know what? We have a lot of work to do around the globe. “I’m breaking the cycle that has essentially destroyed generations of my family’s lives,” she added.

Curtis’ father, Tony Curtis, struggled with alcohol and drug addiction for most of his life, and her brother Nicholas died of a heroin overdose at the age of 21.

“Getting sober remains my single greatest accomplishment,” she said. “More powerful than my husband, more powerful than both of my children, and more powerful than any work, success, or failure.” Anything.”

Bravo, Jamie Lee Curtis. You are truly one of a kind.

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