Your world does not change by chance, but because you choose to change it.

You can sit with your hands on your chest and complain about your life and how you want it. You can blame society, circumstances, lack of time … and probably less yourself … You can get frustrated and spend as much time as you want. You won’t change anything until you decide to do something.


The event does not exist. All things happen for a reason, even if you may not understand it until the end of life on this earth. The changes that will occur in your life will not come naturally … no one will call you to give you a million dollars because they feel that you want them and most likely you will not find the love of your life if you stay upset all day in the house and you complain that everyone forgot about you.


You must want to change your life. However, for your life to change so that you are happy and fulfilled, you must change your thoughts. You have to decide to see life with all its good parts, not to blame anyone, to forgive, not to depend on people in any way, no matter how capable you are of helping them, you consider them.


Things are pretty easy. God is the only one who will be by your side all the time, who will lift you up when you are down. Change your life and choose to see Him first and believe me, it will be much easier to face any obstacles … because you will realize that you are not really alone for a moment. And for this and for another billion, you have to thank Him!


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