You are not what others think of you. You are what you think about others.

You are not what others think of you. Envy, malice, insults will always appear and many of us assimilate them far too easily. It won’t matter the truth, it won’t matter the work you’ve done. We like to judge. We like to denigrate others so that we can stand out. Very few choose not to get caught up in this wave of evil and to rejoice for others …


So considering what is said or believed about you doesn’t really matter as long as you don’t take it into account. However, if you believe them, you will let these opinions and words control you. Beware of letting some people guide your life as they think and speak. By this you will not only lose, but you will give them control over you. What they say will sound painful, but you will turn those people into a false god, because their opinion will matter more than God’s … you are the only culprit then.


You are what you think about others. You can fill yourself with venom and see everything around you with evil eyes. You can be happy for those who manage to get where they set out to be or you can make your own scenarios and attribute shameful things to them just because it was too hard for you or you didn’t want to work as hard as they did. You can have a heart full of love or hate. What you think defines you. In vain do you show a smile to the ears in front of people if in yourself you cry with sadness that they are fine. You will be fine when your thoughts are good, even to those who have bothered you in one way or another.


Don’t blame anyone if you’re unhappy. You alone are to blame for everything you do, say or think. You will have moments when they will try you, however, and evils that until then you may never have thought of. Give them to the Lord and get rid of them. Don’t let them take over. Seek God with thought and deed, not hurt anyone. It is the only way you will find peace.


Have you ever thought that you are the way you see others? If so, then are you happy with what you are?


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