Wild Mouse Goes Through “Rehab” After Eating Cannabis Plant

Rodents and ‘creepy crawlies’ are always a concern for farmers. These unwanted little visitors tend to munch on the produce and, let’s be honest, overstay their welcome. But would you believe a field of cannabis in New Brunswick, Canada, had its own twist on pest control? Yes, you read that right! A mouse, completely ‘stoned’ out of its little mind, was found lying on its back among the cannabis plants.

Colin Sullivan, the farmer with a front-row seat to this rodent-roncom, couldn’t help but notice his cheeky little visitor. Our furry friend had been making a habit of stealing leaves from his prized cannabis harvest for a couple of days. Not too discreetly, the mouse was caught on camera nibbling at its personal stash before the inevitable effects took over. There it was, lying on a heap of cannabis leaves, entirely knocked out!

Feeling a sense of responsibility and perhaps a bit of amusement, Sullivan decided to help the mouse ‘detox.’ He placed the mouse in a cage and gave it time to recover from its leafy binge. Six days later, our tiny Cheech and Chong protege scampered back into the wild, visibly reborn.

Sullivan couldn’t help but share this peculiar saga on Facebook: “For two days in a row I’ve caught this little pothead taking leaves off my plant and eating them until he passes out. He’s missing an ear so it may be self-medication for his PTSD, but I still think it’s time for an intervention. I’ll let him sleep this one off, but when he wakes up, he’s getting a real stern talking to.”

As he nursed the mouse back to its senses, Sullivan kept his followers updated. One update read, “So it’s been a couple of rough days for our little baked buddy here. Despite a belly ache and a wicked bad case of the munchies, I think he’ll make a full recovery. He’s been weaned to one medium leaf per day and seems to be adjusting well. One day at a time, my friend, one day at a time.”

Finally, after six days of this makeshift rehab, the mouse was released. Sullivan bid his friend farewell with this gem: “On The Rodent To Redemption. After a long and desperate battle with addiction, this little mouse has grinded up his struggle, picked out the seeds and stems, and is ready to roll out. Weed all benefit from joining together to help the smoke clear in any addict’s life. He did his very cannibest and was awarded his first Twelve Step chip. I may have been the one to open his cage, but he was the one who set himself free. So long my friend, till we meet again.”

The saga of the “stoner mouse” quickly went viral. The first post garnered over 461 thousand shares, while the final update accumulated over 6.4 thousand shares and 1.5 thousand comments filled with laughter and jokes.

One commenter, Cody Myshrall, chimed in: “I’m happy to hear about his recovery.”

Rhyll O’Keefe quipped: “I can just hear Cheech the mouse going … ‘that was some trip maan … don’t know where I was … but I ended up in jail.’”

And Wendy Chaplin added: “Withdrawal is hard! Thanks for caring for the little stoner!”

Sullivan himself is no stranger to overcoming substance issues, as he revealed in a heartfelt post about his wife, Robyn Sullivan. He humbly credited her with saving his life and being the main reason for his own continued sobriety. The audience, who initially came for the stoner mouse story, found themselves moved by Sullivan’s candid tribute and shared their congratulations on his personal journey.

Now, a bit about the cannabis legal status in New Brunswick, Canada. Legalizing cannabis in 2018, this province has paved the way for a culture that is ‘safe, legal, responsible, and limited to adults,’ according to the government’s official stance. Anyone 19 and older can buy from licensed retailers, possessing up to 30 grams at a time. It’s not all free rein though—public consumption or any usage in vehicles is a big no-no. Moreover, landlords have the right to restrict tenants from smoking or growing cannabis, but if they allow tobacco smoking, they can’t ban cannabis smoking. The government emphasizes understanding the risks is crucial for everyone to make informed decisions about their cannabis use.

This amusing, yet insightful, mouse tale served more than just laughs and giggles. It was a cheeky reminder that even the tiniest among us can face big challenges, but with a little help, a lot of humor, and a community’s support, even the most ‘baked’ of friends can find their way back.


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