Why men like staying outside with their friends more than at home with their wife

If most men are allowed morally; the freedom to decide, without anybody raising an eyebrow, they will choose ‘spending more time with friends than more time with their wives’. Men love to marry, but they don’t like to stay at home. Here are the possible reasons:

His natural instinct tells him staying at home isn’t right for men

This is primarily because he probably grew up not staying at home. Most of the outside jobs, like cleaning the car, going to corner shops, fixing the generator, and furniture repair are all the kinds of jobs he grew up doing. His natural instinct tells him staying at home isn’t right for men: ‘go and hustle’, meet more people, socialize with new folks. It’s not necessarily because he wants to mess about, but he just feels that this may make him more active and promising. All these thoughts are in his mind.

His wife creates an uncomfortable atmosphere at home

Unfortunately, men like to do whatever they do with utmost freedom, without anybody watching over them, correcting them, or telling them what to do (this is the stupid ego most men have to deal with anyway!). It’s bad enough if women are creating an uncomfortable atmosphere at home or if they lack the knowledge of how to handle it. Most women are not sensitive to discover on time when their men start to respond negatively to the unpleasant situation at home.

Most women would rather be a wife than a friend

Women are comfortable with the title of ‘men’s wives’, but they forget that being a wife doesn’t secure their marriage. It doesn’t win their man as much as ‘being his friend’. If you do not choose to be your husband’s friend, then you leave him with no choice but to look for one outside (male, female, or even dogs). Most women who prefer to be a wife rather than a friend will suffer from a lack of knowledge. As some ‘friends’ outside will win their husband’s heart.

What should wives do when their husband prefers to stay with friends outside their homes?

A good piece of advice for you is, don’t think marrying a man means that you will automatically win his attention. Rather, it’s better to be his friend than just his wife. If he finds staying outside more comfortable than coming back home, you’ve lost him to external ‘friends’. Your God-given assignment is to see how you can make him run home to you, just the same way you may anticipate him running out to meet other ‘friends’ outside.

Most girls, ladies, or women are not taught these principles as they grow to become women. They walk into marriage blindly, expecting miracles to start happening. They forget that the guy/man evolved from different mindsets and experiences and has different personalities. Sorry, I would like to open your eyes to this truth: most marriage stories we read in novels, or the love stories we hear or watch in movies, are not always true representations of the true character of most men. Neither do they teach us what we should expect in our marriages. It’s all acting!

Women have to wake up and face true-life realities now! That is the way we can save this present generation and the next from the marital collapse plaguing our world today.


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