Who did you hope for?

We received a gift that neither of us deserved. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for us. He died for our sin. He died so that we could come to know the Father. He died, rose again, and left the earth. But He left us a Comforter, the Holy Spirit, so that God may be in each of us, so that every man may live in the presence of God.

I believe every word I wrote above. And I think if I was the only man on earth, Jesus would have come to die for me alone. We have recently understood all these words and the love that God has for us. I believe in His Word written in the Bible and I believe all His promises. I believe that God will never change and I believe that he has not made mistakes and never makes mistakes. And I think I was wrong in trying to convince people of the reality of these facts. I was wrong because I tried to get them to listen to ME. It’s so hard to give up that EU …

I tried to get people to discover God, and I think my biggest wish was for them to thank me later for that … God, how proud I could be! And here, and before you, Lord, I ask forgiveness! It was so hard to realize that I’m not right, that you can’t change a man just because you think it will be good for him to show him a path he doesn’t want to consider. I was wrong because I acted for myself … and I repent so much for it! And how many more will I have to go through the list of things I have to repent of … and I know that I have no chance alone, but I trust in a real God, who died so that I can come before To Him, may I have the honor of being in His presence! God, please forgive me and help me, get rid of all that I am and become what YOU created me!

In what or in whom did you put all your hope? I have placed my hope in Jesus, whom I am sure will never disappoint me. “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to My Father except through Me. ” (John, 14, 6). Jesus Himself tells us that the only path worth following is Him. However, it is up to us whether we follow this Path or not. You can put your hope in anything or anyone you want, but I believe that no man or anything else can promise you something greater for your life without lying.

I don’t expect it to be easy at all. I know that the answer to some prayers may or may not be. I don’t know if I’m ready to accept this, but I ask God to prepare me to do His will, to give up … ME …. this mine that kills us … this mine that I am still proud of in one form or another … I know it’s not easy and I have to sacrifice a lot of things I like. I know few will understand. I know that I will be judged and that I may even lose my life because of my faith. But all I want is for You, Jesus, to be here, to strengthen me and not to let me give up even if I ask you this. I know that trouble can come just as good things can come. But I know I’m not alone even when I feel like no one can hear me.

I ask you so much: in whom do you have hope? In you, in your own strength? In the forces and in the recognition of people? Or in God? God does not force you to believe in Him, while others may.


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