When Pat Sajak leaves “Wheel of Fortune,” will Vanna White still be there? What one source reveals is as follows

Wheel of Fortune will enter a new phase starting in 2019, as Ryan Seacrest has been chosen to succeed Pat Sajak as host after his retirement.

Longtime viewers have been curious about Vanna White’s future after Sajak left the popular game show after 40 years as its co-host and letter revealer.

One source from the program is now speaking out concerning Vanna White’s future.

Future of ‘Wheel of Fortune contestant Vanna White
Nearly as long as Pat Sajak, Vanna White, 66, has been a Wheel of Fortune contestant since 1982. Some supporters suggested that because she is a famous and well-known figure, she ought to succeed Sajak as host when he retires.

But with the position going to Seacrest and White’s contract expiring the following season, many viewers questioned whether she would still be a part of the show. However, a source claims that Sony Pictures Television is negotiating to keep Vanna White as a co-host even after Ryan Seacrest starts his hosting gig.

A program insider informed People that “they are in talks with her and would like to have her back.”

Keeping Vanna White on board would be a wise decision for the show since it would be easier for many viewers to adjust to Sajak’s retirement if at least one familiar face remained.

Pay discussions that were “very difficult” – no raise in 18 years
White refuses to sign her new contract until she receives a significant pay raise. She is demanding half of what Pat Sajak has allegedly been earning, according to TMZ.

Despite sharing nearly equal prominence as the program’s face, White hasn’t had a wage increase in 18 years, and there is a significant pay difference between her and Sajak. White makes $3 million annually, whereas Sajak earns nearly five times as much, claims Puck.

As a result, White is said to have retained an “aggressive new lawyer” to represent her in her discussions.

A source close to White told TMZ, “Asking for 50% of what he makes seems like a no-brainer after 41 years as a model employee and more the face of that show than he [Pat],”

Sony hasn’t given in yet, and White won’t agree to a settlement unless she’s granted “a minimum of what is fair.” Negotiations are allegedly “very difficult” and far from being finished.

If the parties can’t agree, White may probably retire from the show after Sajak, which would mean that there would be a new host and a new board revealed in 2024. White believed that her job would be in peril, a source reportedly told Daily Mail.

A source close to White told the outlet that Vanna wants to be a part of it all even after Jack goes, and she hopes they don’t force her out. “The next year is going to be quite the ride,” the source added.

But ideally, White will be paid adequately to continue the program for many more years. Despite the disagreement over her pay, White has liked her time on Wheel and says it is “depressing” to think about the conclusion.

“I don’t want even to consider that. We work as a team, she said to People in December. “That makes me sad. I don’t want to consider it at all.

I have no idea. Wheel of Fortune is always associated with Pat and Vanna. You know, we’re like Ken and Barbie,” she remarked. Having someone else turn my letters would be strange since we have been in everyone’s homes for 40 years.

Sajak announced that he would retire after the 2023–2024 season on June 12. The longest-running host of a game show in television history, he has hosted the program constantly since 1981.

The moment has arrived, he remarked on Twitter. I’ll have more to say in the upcoming months, but it’s been a beautiful voyage so far.

Who would have thought that, 41 seasons later, we would still be doing [Wheel of Fortune]? In response, Vanna White. “I am beyond grateful to have performed on stage with you for all these years and for the upcoming year. Greetings to you!

Sajak approved and expressed excitement about “handing over the car keys” to the next host in 2024 after it was revealed that Ryan Seacrest would be taking over.

Seacrest said in a statement that he planned to co-host the program with Vanna White.

In a statement, Seacrest stated, “I’m humbled to be following in the iconic Pat Sajak’s footsteps. “I can’t wait to carry on the wheel-spinning tradition and collaborate with the great Vanna White.”

We adore Vanna White and would love to see her remain a Wheel of Fortune co-host! We wish the contract discussions well and that she receives a just wage.


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