When a Man Really, Truly Loves You, He Will Say at Least 2 of These Phrases

Most often, we consider that men are more direct and less focused on words. But it is nothing more than the stereotypes and social norms with which men are forced to live.

Because a man is more “virile” if he is serious, of marble, and less communicative. That said, language has great power: it is a means of communicating and expressing ourselves, whether subtly, boldly, or frankly.

Here are 8 sentences that men usually say when they really, truly love you.

1. It reminds me of you

This phrase shows that even when the both of you are apart, something came up that made him think of you. Your man’s mind has begun to create a nostalgia map of you where he’ll associate certain patterns, scents, symbols, and experiences to be pieces of you.

2. I can help you with that.

If your man says this to you, it means that he wants to feel needed by you. Whether it’s offering you advice or physically helping you with something, if a guy is going out of his way to assist you, then he wants to show you that he’s reliable. Basically, he wants to make it clear that you can trust him.

In my opinion, this is one of my favorite phrases. There’s just something I find incredibly attractive about a person when he knows something and is giving good advice to me about it because I’m often used to figuring things out on my own. It helps me take a step back and appreciate that things don’t necessarily always need to be tackled alone.

3. I’m here for you.

When he uses this phrase, it means that he wants to be a part of your life. It’s similar to when he says that he wants to help you because he’s demonstrating his reliability. If he tells you that he’s there for you, then he’s encouraging you to let your walls down. This creates a stronger bond between you two and takes away from the “me,” transitioning it to a “we.”

4. I miss you

By telling you that he misses you, he tells you that he cares about you. Which is not the case if he only sends you messages late at night. But if you are absent, on vacation, or on a business trip and he tells you that he misses you, he simply says that your absence is felt and that he is sad about it.

5. You’re beautiful.

If he’s naturally flirtatious and throws this phrase out too soon, then it means you’re probably not the only one he’s trying to make feel special. However, if he doesn’t comment on your physical looks all too often and is selective with giving out compliments, then he truly means it. In fact, it goes past how you look, and he means it both inside and out.

I usually know when men are only interested in me physically if they throw this phrase out on the first day of getting to know me. It’s easy to scope out, and that kind of trick doesn’t work on me. But, if a guy holds out and doesn’t say this until he gets to know me on a deeper level, familiarizing himself with my beliefs, how I think, what I want out of life, etc., then the phrase holds more meaning when he says it.

6. I’m worried.

If he tells you that he’s worried about something going on in his life, then it shows that he’s opening up and being vulnerable with you. By letting you in, it shows that he’s letting his guard down and trusts you. Or if the concern is something that’s directed towards you, then it also goes to show that he cares about you and only wants the best for you.

7. I like/love/am in love with you.

This is the most obvious one. By choosing to be bold and upfront using this phrase, it means that he’s willing to put himself in a position where feelings might not be reciprocated. And yet, he’s choosing to express his feelings freely towards you regardless because you’ve left such a strong impression on him.

8. He gave you a nickname

A man who gives you a nickname is a man who wants to be playful with you. But it’s also a way to be less formal and closer to you. By giving you a nickname, it breaks the ice and hopes you are more and more comfortable with each other.


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