What Personal Trait Do All Successful Women Over 50 Have in Common? See How You Measure Up!

By Mary

Well, well, well. If you are anything like me—and goodness gracious, I do hope you are—you might be a tad curious about what magical quality all those thriving ladies over 50 possess. You know, the ones who seem to have their ducks in a row, even if a few of those ducks waddle a bit slower these days. Now, don’t go skipping down to the end just yet, you’ll miss the fun! Allow me to tickle your funny bone while we navigate this together.

First of all, let’s clear the air. If you think the answer is that they all watch Dr. Phil religiously, well, you’d be getting warm, but not quite there. So settle down with your cup of cozy chamomile tea and let’s have ourselves a little chat about the best-kept secret among the golden gals.

Faith-Fueled Determination

That’s right. The trait these glorious gals have in common is faith-fueled determination. Now, I don’t mean just a lazy Sunday church-going kind of faith. No ma’am, we’re talking about the kind of relentless faith that moves mountains, parts seas, and tackles the monster pile of laundry in one fell swoop.

Consider this: Faith teaches us resilience. Remember Jonah? That poor fella ended up in the belly of a great fish, but did he mope around and give up? Nope. He prayed, kept his faith, and three days later he was back on dry land, probably with a renewed appreciation for solid ground and fresh air. Just like Jonah, our successful over-50 women have used faith to strengthen their resolve, pushing through life’s tumultuous waves and belly-of-the-whale moments.

Common Sense Wit

Second to faith, but equally important, is good ol’ common sense tinged with a bit of Southern wit. A woman with some miles on her tires doesn’t need no fancy-schmancy GPS; she has the wisdom of experience to steer her right. Well, who needs Siri when you’ve got decades of ‘been there, done that’ bookmarked in your brain?

Take my Aunt Edith, for example. Dear old Aunt Edith could spot a snake oil salesman from a mile away and whip up a batch of apple butter so heavenly it might just convert the devil himself. Women like Aunt Edith use their common sense to navigate life’s trickiest paths, always with a smile and a quick-witted remark right at the ready. So, when life hands them lemons, they know exactly what to do: make lemonade, and maybe add a splash of iced tea for good measure.

Unshakable Patriotism

We cannot forget our unshakable patriotism. Our country’s backbone has always been its strong, persevering women. The ones who have sons and daughters serving in the military, the ones who hang their flags proudly from their porches and never shirk their duty to vote, often armed with a fresh batch of cookies for the local polling station workers.

Look at dear old Betty in my Bible study group. Betty waves her flag so high and mighty, she even turned her front yard into a mini Arlington cemetery with tiny flags for Memorial Day. Those successful women over 50 understand the value of our freedoms and liberties, and they carry their love for this nation right in their hearts. It’s a love that compels them to strive, to overcome challenges, and to contribute to their communities and the greater good. Amen to that!

A Sense of Humor

You’ll also find that every successful over-50 lady has a sense of humor sharper than Grandpa’s fishing hooks. It’s the ability to laugh at yourself when you realize your glasses have been perched on your head for the past hour while you’ve been searching the whole house for them. Or when you forget a name, only to replace it with, ‘Oh honey!’ Every single time.

Think about Lucille Ball, spinning her way into machinations that would leave a lesser soul in tears. What did she do? Laughed her way through it, bringing joy to millions. That same gift of humor, even the tiniest chuckle, lifts these successful women over the pitfalls and potholes life throws their way.

Generosity of Spirit

Our final characteristic lands us on generosity of spirit. These triumphant ladies understand that real prosperity is less about the size of their bank account and more about the magnitude of their heart. They bake cookies for neighbors, volunteer to knit blankets for the newborns at church, and always have a shoulder ready for someone in need.

My neighbor, Carol, fits this bill to a tee. Carol spends her Saturdays at the local food bank and still manages to drop off a casserole for anyone who sneezes twice. She epitomizes the successful over-50 woman—giving, loving, and always ready to help, in rain or shine.

So there you have it, folks. The secret sauce, the magic elixir, the key to the grand mystery of what makes women over 50 truly successful. It isn’t Botox, it isn’t loaded retirement accounts, and it sure isn’t a closet full of designer clothes (though who wouldn’t love that, right?). It’s faith-fueled determination, a healthy dose of common sense wit, unshakable patriotism, a sense of humor, and a generous spirit.

Now, my dear reader, I believe the question is not whether you measure up, but how brightly you shine. Because if you’re reading this, chances are, you’re already on the path to success. Just keep walking in faith, crack a few jokes, lend a hand to a neighbor, and wave that flag high!

Until next time, keep the faith and stay fabulous!


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