What exactly is this ‘very strange’ object washed up on a beach?

Overnight, an unidentified object washed up on a North Coast beach.

Evans Head local Ken Miles was down at Airforce Beach at 10am today when he came across a “strange thing”.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” he said.

He described it as two 3m-long pieces of PVC piping wrapped in black plastic and then wrapped in a fishing net.

Then there’s a clear plastic dome on top with the word “Falcon” written in faded black text.

“It looks mechanical inside (the dome), but it’s not connected to the original pipes,” Mr. Miles explained.

“I lifted one end; the PVC is quite light, and it would float like a dream.”

When Mr. Miles left the beach this morning, it was still there, about 200m from the four-wheel-drive entrance.

“I’m not sure when it washed up, but it wasn’t yesterday because I was at the beach,” he explained.

Mr. Miles stated that he had only one guess as to what it could be.

“The only thing that comes to mind is that it could be a long line fishing beacon,” Mr Miles speculated.

“It could be someone’s idea of a joke, but it appears to be too old.”

“We get a lot of stuff washed up at Airforce over a long period.”

Do you know what the object is?


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