This Is The Full Version Of The Sept 11th Commercial That Was Only Aired Once On TV

If there is one thing that many Americans will never forget, it is 9/11. That was the time the USA was caught unprepared by Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist followers. The Islamic group hit the nation hard and left it falling almost to its knees.

On eleventh September 2001, the world joined America to mourn the death of more than two thousand people who were caught up in terrorist bombings in New York and other states. It is a day that will always bring tears to the victims’ families.

On that fateful day, Osama’s followers hijacked four planes and crashed them in strategic positions, leaving thousands of unsuspecting people dead. The terrorists waited till the airplanes were airborne then murdered the pilots in cold blood.

They then took control of them and flew them to different places as they had planned.

The first plane that had departed from Boston was flown directly into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in Manhattan. The impact weakened the structure and killed hundreds of people. It left a huge hole and set the building on fire. All passengers on board died along with the self-sacrificing terrorists.

At 9. 03 am, seventeen minutes after the first crash, the second plane crashed into the south tower of the building’s center. It caused a similar impact that claimed hundreds of lives. Forty minutes later the third plane was flown into the Pentagon, the US military headquarters and brought down a whole wing.

The fourth plane was supposedly headed for the White House but crashed in Pennsylvania after the passengers learned of the previous attacks and caused panic on the plane. The US was shocked to the roots with many people traumatized at the news.

Ever since the eleventh day of every September has been set aside to commemorate the events that took place on that historic day as well as honor those who lost their lives in the tragedy. 9/11 is dull day and Americans gather together in the spirit of patriotism, waving the American flag and singing God Bless America.

The scene is not usually that much different from the one witnessed after the bombing. There was a sudden wave of patriotism and Americans filled the streets waving the flags, singing and donating to help victims of the tragedy.

One of the most tear-jerking ways of commemorating the tragedy was an advertisement by Budweiser that was only aired once; on the anniversary of the 9/11. The ad features a couple of magnificent well-groomed Clydesdale horses on a carriage headed to the city.

Every time the commercial airs, people find themselves trying hard to hold back tears as they remember the fateful day.

It begins with the horses pulling a carriage with a rider through the countryside. It is the typical American country scenery with snow and little shops. People watch in wonder as the wagon trudges through the village, headed to New York.

The camera zooms into one horse then shows them crossing the Brooklyn Bridge. One can see the outline of the New York City in the distance. The carriage stops on a lush green field facing the city and the most emotional thing happens.

The horses bend their left front legs into a magnificent bow. During the shooting of this commercial, there wasn’t a dry eye on set.


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