Thieves try to mug an elderly man; they get what they deserve seconds later.

Most of us earn our living by getting a job and working hard. So, when we finally retire, we should be able to live a peaceful life free of the stress that our jobs entail. We now have enough free time to devote to things we have neglected for far too long, such as our favorite hobby, exploring the world, and starting new adventures.

Societies should appreciate retirees since they have done their part for the country, but this is not always the case.

I’ve heard numerous reports of old and weak persons targeted by thieves and muggers, making me lose faith in mankind. Consider what a pensioner would do if they lost their only source of income.

A video shot in an alley in a Russian village demonstrates why you should never mess with the elderly. They may not be as necessary as they once were, but they are rich in experience and expertise, and some of them are retired boxers, such as the elderly man in the video below.

When the muggers decided to steal from this man, they had no idea they would wind up on the ground.

They went on him with their “fierce-looking” attitude, hoping to scare him, but the boxer wasn’t afraid to show off his boxing skills, and boy, we are so glad he wasn’t.

We hope the muggers learned their lesson not to mess with the elderly and started working their as*es off for a change.

So far, almost 440,000 people have viewed the film, and they all believe that the muggers got what they deserved. “Fists like bullets, those where rapid, accurate, full-face punches!” wrote one.

Check out this boxer’s abilities in the video below, and feel free to share it with your friends.


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