The secret to finding true love: leave behind any failed relationship and enter the present 100% dedicated. At some point you will succeed!

I do not know how many of us can boast that they have found from the first attempt the man next to whom they are given to be forever. We cannot always blame the superficial times in which we live, because even our elders had to search until they found that person who would complete them perfectly and with whom they would have the courage to present themselves before the Lord to speak loud and clear. bluntly “Yes,” with which to form such a strong bond that no one and nothing can stand in the way of happiness.


I think we’ll meet halfway through when we’re ready. Our soul will be shaped up to that moment many times. We will change our thinking at least as many times, and most of the time, at 180 degrees, but each time it must be for the better. It will not be pleasant, many of the experiences will remain in our souls as at least unpleasant, but persevering, it will be impossible for us to fail!


The secret to finding our man is not to let any of the failed relationships affect our current decisions in any way. We must always seek to be happy, we must blindly believe in the existence of true love, and we must try until we succeed. Even if we kiss a lot of frogs until we find the prince, we must be fair to them and to ourselves and not play with anyone’s feelings (including our own). Love life, forgive those who have hurt or used you, ask forgiveness if you, in turn, have done these things, forgive yourself and sincerely seek to love. Don’t look for company, don’t look for distraction from everyday life.


Don’t let yourself be harmed, no matter how hard your search may be. You will not fail if you do not get discouraged! God will not let this happen! Be honest and love with all your heart!


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