The old father received a postcard from his son with tears in his eyes

An older gentleman, now 87 years old, was moved to tears when he discovered that his late son had sent him a card for Father’s Day 26 years earlier. The card had been sent in the mail.

The card that had been sent to Duane Schrock from his son, Duane Schrock Jr., who had passed away from AIDS in 1995, when he was just 45 years old, was finally delivered to Duane Schrock from Virginia. The card wished Duane a happy Father’s Day.

The Father’s Day card had been put out in 1989, but throughout the years it had been returned to sender and forwarded until Mr. Schrock, who has moved around the country multiple times, received it last month, according to WSET. The card was originally intended for Father’s Day.

When I think about it, I still find that I have a few tears in my eyes. It was mailed in 1989 for Father’s Day, so that he might receive it just a few days after Father’s Day, he claimed.

Schrock Jr. had written a thoughtful letter in which he mentioned that some time had passed since they had last spoken and that he was doing well while he was residing in Richmond at the time.

“Dear Father, we haven’t communicated with each other in a very long time.” According to Schrock Jr. wrote, “I’m doing good and am really happy in Richmond.”

“It would be great to have a response from you. I hope you have a wonderful Father’s Day. Love, Duane.’

Mr. Schrock, who has said that his relationship with his son can be “tumultuous at times,” expressed to WSET that he does not approve of his son’s decision to live a homosexual lifestyle.

He stated that he had questioned Schrock Jr. about whether or not he had reconciled his relationship with God since he desired to meet him in heaven.

According to WSET, for him, the card represented a “message from heaven” that his son was doing fine and that he should not worry about him.

He expressed his appreciation for finally getting the letter and stated that doing so helped him regain faith in the postal service.

Mr. Schrock stated that “someone picked up the ball and carried it.” “After all of these years, they must have sent it on,” said the speaker.


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