The good man forgives a lot, does not hurt and never turns him away from the road after he has decided to leave.

It’s hard to be a good man, but some still succeed. Why do I succeed? Because they are stubborn to forgive, they are stubborn not to be envious of the success of others, not to stay in places where they know they have nothing to look for. You see the good man from afar, but you prefer to pass him by, because you consider him somewhat “sucker”, because he does not fight as others do to achieve his ideals, because he does not hinder those around him who tend to the same things as him, even help him as much as he can, because he doesn’t fight with his fists in his chest that he knows and that he is right, but he follows his path quietly, without fuss, without being in the center of attention.


And yet, the good man also escapes … and the good man suffers. Why is he suffering? Because he also has “human” thoughts to say. And he has moments when an ugly thought about a person floods his mind. And then he suffers. He suffers because he thinks in spite of himself that he is a bad man. And he is struggling to change that. He does not allow himself to be taken aback, no matter how many material benefits that path would offer him.


The good man forgives you, he doesn’t hurt you no matter how bad you hurt him, but he will run away from you. He will forgive you, but he will not accept to receive in his life someone who will urge him to think badly, someone who is willing to sacrifice anyone and everything around him to achieve his ideals. So he will simply leave. He will leave even if to stay means to advance a level on the social scale or to work, even if to stay means to earn more money or attention. And who can condemn him for this? Could you accuse him of choosing the true good? Could you condemn him for not wanting to hate you? Could you condemn him for being a good man?


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