The girl with the fuzzy hair loves the fact that she is different.

Shilah Madison Calvert-parents were overjoyed when she was born. They already had a son, and this adorable little girl was the ideal addition to the family.

At first, she appeared to be any other child, but when her hair came out and was replaced by a new, very different one, her parents were both impressed and perplexed.

“She was picture perfect, blonde hair, blue eyes,” Shilah’s mother, Celeste, told Love What Matters.

When the daughter was three months old, her parents noticed that her hair was growing straight rather than down. Shilah’s parents thought she was adorable and didn’t pay much attention until passersby began staring at her on the street and making comments about her fuzzy hair.

“It didn’t appear to quiet or settle, but I didn’t think much of it until people started making comments,” Celeste told the Daily Mail.

Everyone who came across Shilah was curious about what was wrong with her hair. Celeste and her husband were both upset by these remarks.
“It was unpleasant and sometimes pretty harsh, but I’m sure they were just uninformed and inconsiderate,” the concerned mother explained to Love What Matters.

“Then there were the strangers who would gaze into her pram, gawk at her, and comment about her wherever we went. ‘Looks like she jammed her finger in the power socket,’ said one.

They didn’t want their daughter to be teased because of her hair. Shilah began to appreciate her appearance as she grew older. When her childcare friends inquired why her hair looked the way it did, this wonderful young lady would respond that she was “amazing and special.”

“She’d say things like, ‘Just call me fuzzy,’ and I’d laugh. “Sometimes I look like a lion with a crazy mane,” Sheila’s mother admitted.

Sheila hoped she would have her friends’ hair when she was older. She once became so frustrated that she cut her hair.

“I was more upset than she was; she said she was tired of her hair standing straight up, but when she chopped it short, it got spikier. “That’s her only haircut,” Celeste explained.

Celeste took her kid to various hairdressers since she couldn’t give her a suitable hairstyle, but no one could help. Someone even suggested going to an Afro hair salon, but that didn’t help much.

“Her hair isn’t like African hair; it’s still very silky and doesn’t require oil or deep conditioning, and any heat treatment will break it,” the mother explained.

Shilah eventually learned to respond to all of the comments she received with a grin. She held her own against Albert Einstein and Doc Brown from Back to the Future.

One day, Celeste took her daughter to the dentist when the two discovered Sheila’s Uncombable Hair Syndrome (UHS).

“The doctor said that UHS is caused by a gene mutation and is characterized by silvery blonde or straw-colored hair that sticks up from the scalp and cannot be brushed flat. “The doctor had researched UHS but had never seen a child with the illness,” Celeste recalled of the day she discovered what was causing her daughter’s fuzzy hair.

“I was astonished, teary, and happy at the same moment, finally a possible solution to all those years of wondering. “The doctor was equally ecstatic.”

When her parents discovered the reality behind Sheila’s unusual appearance, they started an Instagram account to share the information with others with the illness.

“People are continually reaching out for guidance and providing images of their children in the hope that they, too, have found the solution. “This is extremely inspirational,” Celeste commented.

Sheila is now 12 years old and as stunning as ever.


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