The couple retires at 50 to live on cruise ships because it’s cheaper than paying a mortgage.

Living on a cruise ship costs the pair roughly $43 per day or $15,696 annually.

It is all about living your best life in retirement. At the very least, it should be.

Similarly, #cruiselife is trending.

Angelyn and Richard Burk decided to combine two and two for their retirement.

The couple, who are in their 50s and live in Seattle, WA, have always wanted to travel when they retire.

They chose to travel from cruise ship to cruise ship because they enjoy sailing.

It’s also less expensive than a mortgage. Yup! According to FOX 56 WOLF, living aboard a cruise ship costs the pair roughly $43 per day or $15,696 annually. CNN claimed that figure to be between $89 and $100 daily. Angelyn also claims that they occasionally allow themselves to spend up to $135 per day, or $49,275 per year.

“Currently, this year, we have secured 86 cruise days with an average all-in cost of $89/day for both of us,” Angelyn told CNN. “Lodging, food, entertainment, transportation, tip, port fees, and taxes.” This is comfortably inside our retirement budget.”

In 1992, Angelyn took her first cruise. She and Richard began taking annual and occasionally bi-annual cruises after they married.

They can finance their new cruise lifestyle with their combined funds and the anticipated sale of their home.

They began to consider retiring in early 2021 and began crunching the numbers. They launched their new cruise life in May 2021 after realizing they could sail for the rest of their lives.

“Our original plan was to stay in different countries for a month and eventually retire to cruise ships as we age,” Angelyn explained to 7 News Australia. “We love to travel and were looking for a way to continue traveling in our retirement that was financially feasible.”

They just had one piece of luggage with them on their journey.

They organize their voyages to begin a new one where the previous one ended.

When their cruise schedules do not coincide, they stay on shore temporarily. There was a lot of time spent with family and friends.

But Angelyn can count the times that’s happened on one hand.

And they have no plans to return to land any time soon.

They intend to travel to every continent. So far, the Burks have been to Singapore, Italy, Canada, Iceland, and the Bahamas… sometimes multiple times.

“We’ve been frugal our entire lives in order to save and invest in order to achieve our goal,” Angelyn explained. “We are not into materialistic things, but rather experiences.”

Angelyn says that being an everyday cruiser is possible for many with some good planning and budgeting. Hear more about the Burkes’ #cruiselife in the video below!


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