Suri, Tom Cruise’s daughter, made her big-screen singing debut, and fans are in awe, comparing her to “a young Doris Day.”

Celebrity marriages are short-lived. At least, a large number of them do not. The causes of this ‘phenomenon’ are numerous. The truth is that celebrities have hectic lives and schedules, so they don’t always have time to spend with their families, which may be one of the reasons for the high number of divorces among the elite.

Consider Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. All eyes were on them when they first started dating, but their relationship was short-lived.

When the couple divorced, the media reported that Holmes was awarded custody of their daughter, Suri Cruise, and that her father was permitted to see her ten days per month. He chose not to, much to the surprise of the general public.

The last photo of Tom Cruise and his daughter was taken in 2012, and he hasn’t seen her since, according to the media. Rumor has it that he split up with Suri because she is not a member of the controversial church of Scientology. Although she has never said it aloud, Holmes has implied that one of the reasons for the split was the church Cruise is heavily involved with.

Suri blossomed into a wonderful young lady, father or no father. Her mother appropriately raised Suri, and she is now well-behaved and hardworking.

Her angelic voice recently captured the attention of many. She covered Frank Sinatra’s Blue Moon for the 2022 film Alone Together, which follows two strangers in bad relationships who end up in the same upstate New York Airbnb.

When considering who might do the vocals, Holmes, the film’s director, sought perfection, and choosing her highly talented daughter, was a no-brainer. “She has a lot of talent. She said she’d do it, so she did, and I let her do her thing. In general, that’s how I direct. “‘This is what I believe we all want, and then go do your thing,” Holmes said.

If you think Holmes is biased, consider this: she isn’t the only one who thinks Suri did an excellent job. A large number of people took the time to thank the young lady for her hard work.

“She avoided the modern pitfalls of many who burden songs with countless scales sung throughout the song. Her voice sounded lovely and well-trained, and she didn’t need to over-perform! It was a delight to hear about a celebrity’s child who, after doing her homework, owns the spotlight! “Bravo!” one person exclaimed.

“She sounds fantastic and has excellent vocal control. “I’m so impressed,” said another.

Suri’s singing was compared by one fan to that of singer, actress, and activist Doris Day, who began her career as a big band singer in 1939 and achieved commercial success in 1945.

Suri, you did a fantastic job.

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