Striking similarities between Queen Camilla & Kate Middleton explained – it confirms what we suspected

It’s been one year since King Charles and Queen Camilla were officially crowned at Westminster Abbey. The coronation took place about six months after Queen Elizabeth’s passing, marking a new chapter for the royal family. Reflecting on this past year, there have been many unexpected events and challenges.

Among the ongoing royal drama, the most concerning news has been the cancer diagnoses of King Charles and Kate Middleton. While they have been focusing on their health and stepping back from royal duties, Prince William and Queen Camilla have significantly increased their public appearances and royal engagements. Despite their differences, Camilla and Kate have shown remarkable similarities in handling their roles, as noted by several royal experts.

Monday, May 6th, commemorated the first anniversary of King Charles’ coronation. The grand event at Westminster Abbey and celebrations across the UK were moments of joy for royal enthusiasts as King Charles and Queen Camilla formally took their roles. However, public opinion about the monarchy remains divided.

While many saw the coronation as a grand and historical event, others questioned its relevance in today’s society. Estimates suggested that the coronation cost around $120 million, a figure neither confirmed nor denied by Downing Street or Buckingham Palace. A YouGov survey indicated that over 50% of the public felt the royals should have funded the event themselves, especially after an investigation revealed King Charles’s fortune at approximately £1.8 billion (around $2.2 billion).

The total cost of the coronation was reportedly double that of Queen Elizabeth’s in 1953, largely due to increased security measures. The streets along the procession route were filled with people, and numerous events were held to celebrate the new king’s ascension. Security for the event was extremely tight, with 11,500 police officers involved, making it one of the most extensive security operations in British history.

The ongoing tension with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle cast a shadow over the celebration. Meghan opted out of attending, while Harry kept his distance, avoiding contact with his brother and Kate. Reports suggested relief within the royal family when Harry quickly returned to the US after the ceremony. If Meghan had attended, it is believed that Kate would have ensured she was seated far from other royal family members.

Kate Middleton didn’t want Meghan Markle in attendance

Royal expert and former BBC journalist Tom Bower mentioned that Kate played a significant role in Meghan’s absence, insisting she wouldn’t attend under any circumstances. Additionally, if Meghan had decided to come, Kate indicated she would have to sit at the back.

Camilla and Kate have both faced criticism from Harry and Meghan. Harry notably called Camilla a “wicked stepmother” and shared private exchanges between Meghan and Kate in his memoir, Spare. This shared experience of negative press may have brought Camilla and Kate closer together.

As Kate undergoes treatment and King Charles slowly returns to his duties, Camilla has taken on significant responsibilities to maintain the royal family’s public service. Despite not enjoying the spotlight, she has dedicated her efforts to fulfilling her role, even giving speeches when necessary.

Earlier this year, royal expert Angela Levin noted that Camilla had stepped out of her comfort zone with grace, taking on engagements typically handled by King Charles. Recently, Camilla represented the royal family alone at the Easter service at Worcester Cathedral while Charles continued his treatment.

Royal expert and former correspondent Charles Rae praised Camilla on GB News America, calling her a “remarkable asset” for her support during this challenging time. He highlighted how she has proven her value over the years, especially considering the harsh treatment she faced after Princess Diana’s death in 1997.

“She has proved to be a remarkable asset”

Rae added that Camilla is one of the best things to happen to the Royal Family in recent years. Her willingness to shoulder additional responsibilities and her positive demeanor have made her invaluable. Rae noted that despite the challenges, Camilla always maintains a cheerful and supportive presence.

Before her wedding to William, Camilla took Kate to lunch, reportedly offering advice to help her navigate royal life. During the meal, they openly conversed, showing a comfortable and supportive relationship between them.

Kate struggled to take advice from Queen Camilla in the beginning on royal life

Although Kate initially struggled to accept advice from Camilla, she eventually came to appreciate her guidance. Camilla even gave Kate a bracelet engraved with their initials as a wedding gift, symbolizing their bond.

Royal biographer Robert Lacey revealed in his book, Battle of Brothers, that Camilla advised Kate to adapt her life to fit around William’s busy schedule, a subtle warning and guidance for maintaining a successful royal marriage.

Despite past tensions, Camilla and Kate are now seen as the two most influential women in the royal family. Their ability to handle public scrutiny and support their husbands has drawn significant comparisons.

Royal experts lay out new striking similarities between Camilla and Kate

GB News host Isabel Webster noted that both women are adept at providing strong support for their husbands. Royal expert and biographer Angela Levin praised Camilla’s instinct for understanding the right moments and actions needed in her role.

Levin pointed out how Camilla’s steadfast support and engagement have positively impacted King Charles. She emphasized the importance of feeling loved and supported, likening it to a vital remedy during tough times.

Webster added that both Camilla and Kate share qualities that make them great partners for King Charles and Prince William. Their mutual understanding, stoicism, and support for their husbands highlight their crucial roles within the royal family.

Levin further explained that Camilla’s advice and support helped Kate integrate into the royal family and understand the protocols and expectations. In contrast, Meghan chose not to engage with this guidance, highlighting differences in their approaches to royal life.

As Kate continues her treatment, she can count on the unwavering support of Camilla and Charles. The bond between the queen and the future queen is strong, and they are likely to share many more significant moments in the future.


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