Strangest things that washed up on beaches

One of the strangest things to ever wash up on a beach is an entire house. In October 2018, a beach in Honshu Island, Japan, was hit with a powerful typhoon that caused an abandoned house to be washed ashore from the mainland. The two-story home washed up amongst debris and broken parts of other structures, but amazingly it appeared to be still intact.

In another instance of strange beach finds, thousands of ping pong balls were found along the coast near Alaska’s Kodiak Island in 2017. It was speculated that these had been released by Japanese fishermen who used them as bait for squid fishing.

In 2016, hundreds of pairs of shoes mysteriously appeared on beaches around Scotland and England. It is believed these had been swept up from the sea and dumped back on shore due to strong ocean currents.

One of the unique beaches finds to be a piece of space junk. In October 2003, a British couple stumbled upon what appeared to be broken pieces of metal and plastic while walking along the coast near Cornwall, England. After some investigation, it was determined that this debris was part of an engine fairing from a Soviet-era spacecraft.

Beachcombing can often yield strange and interesting surprises! Who knows what you may find when you’re next out exploring? Whatever it may be, it’s bound to make for an exciting story!


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