Sixty Countries Have Now Made It Illegal To Spank A Child

Sixty Countries Have Now Made It Illegal To Spank A Child

Being a parent is without a doubt one of the hardest jobs. Parents have a different take on disciplining a child. A lot of people agree that spanking a child is reasonable. However, many will disagree with this too.

It cannot be denied that there will always be an ongoing battle between parents of whether to spank or not. It has been debated for decades. Traditional parents will agree to spank, while those born in the modern era would have to disagree.

Well, reports say that spanking is now prohibited in 60 nations!

In this day and age, spanking as a method of discipline is considered inappropriate in numerous households. According to John Drewicz, a nationwide committee member of the Association of Educational Psychologists states that spanking is dangerous to a kid’s psychological health. He adds, “It models aggressive behavior and it says to them that it is okay to use violence.”

According to Drewicz, some of the 60 nations that prohibited spanking in children include Ireland, Germany, Spain, and Portugal. The largest teaching union in the UK, the National Education Union, is also backing the motion.

Different cultures have varying views on spanking children as a form of discipline. According to the PJ Media Site, 30% of Asians are fine with spanking while 82% of African-Americans are also in favor.

Also, 71% of Caucasians agree while 75% of Native Americans, and 74% of Hispanics. However, spanking is not widely accepted in the Northeast and just 63% support it. Also, 78% of Christians accept this practice while 66% of non-Christians concur.

Some are happy that more and more countries ban spanking. But as expected, some parents do not agree. They believe that spanking should be a part of discipline for children.

Dr. Mary Bousted, the Joint General Secretary of the National Education Union (NEU) stated that parents must be given the chance to set limits for their kids in the most sensible way. The physician specified that kids should start learning how to follow the laws even at home.

Dr. Bousted explained, “We are not speaking about determining to moms and dads how this is done however what we are stating is that it in 2018 pounding kids in anger, or as part of a pre-meditated penalty, is neither appropriate nor defensible.”

Social media users have also shared their ideas with regard to this subject. One person commented, “A spank on the butt (not beating it black/blue) assists kids to understand that mom/dad indicates service. This, in turn, gets kids to understand their limits, and truthfully that assists them to find out to appreciate their moms and dad (s) and the limits set for them. ”

Over the past few decades, evidence has been accumulated that punishing children through the use of a degree of physical violence is psychologically harmful. This study suggests that they’re more likely to have developmental delays.

Others also link it to violent future relationships. Data also shows that physical punishment among children is associated with low self-esteem, heightened aggression, anti-social behaviors, and reduced cognitive aptitudes.

Whether it’s called “spanking” or “smacking,” the act of punishing children in this manner is increasingly being viewed by researchers as bad, or at least unwise. In line with this reasoning, what are your thoughts with regard to spanking children? Do you agree, or disagree?


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