She brought her daughter back to life with a goodbye kiss! The story that moved the entire planet

A mother transported her one-year-old and several-month-old daughter to the hospital because her health had deteriorated greatly.

At the hospital, the two received terrible news: the girl had a severe form of meningitis. It wasn’t long before his kidneys gave way, the child went into a coma. Unfortunately, all that kept the little one alive was the appliances.

The doctors had a painful discussion with her mother and told her that the chances of Alice surviving the disease did not exist, so they encouraged her to say goodbye to her daughter.

But the moment the mother kissed her daughter in a coma for the last time, thinking it was the last time, something incredible happened. As he kissed her and told her he loved her, Alice was beginning to take on more and more color and recover.

Since then, Alice has fully recovered. She showed that love can overcome even death. No one gave her another chance, her organs would have been donated, but now, two years after this tragic event, Alice is lively, healthy, happy, and loves her mother very much!


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