Robin Roberts Says She Remains Hopeful As Partner Amber Laign Stops Chemo Treatments Due To Complications

Robin Roberts Says She Remains Hopeful As Partner Amber Laign Stops Chemo Treatments Due To Complications

All throughout Amber Laign’s battles against breast cancer, her partner Robin Roberts has always been by her side. And now, the couple is facing another obstacle. But Robin says she remains hopeful.

After being diagnosed in the latter part of 2021, Amber underwent chemo. However, Amber’s breast cancer treatment has been put on hold for the time being, according to Robin in an interview with Entertainment Tonight. As difficult as the setback is for both of them to bear, they will not give up, especially Robin.

During her interview with USA Today earlier this year, Robin shared, “She and I have been together almost 17 years, and have helped each other throughout challenges like my journey with cancer. It’s my turn now, to be there for her, as she was for me.”

Robin is no stranger to the disease. In fact, back in 2007, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and battled it to a victory. And now that Amber is going through the same situation, she will never lose hope while Amber’s doctors are deciding on the best course of action.

Robin understands how frustrating it may be to go through the ups and downs of fighting an illness. Talking with Entertainment Tonight, Robin explained how they came into this situation.

She shared, “She’s had some complications with the chemotherapy. They’re working it out. We’re gonna figure it out. The prognosis is still very good. I’m just thankful that her spirits have been lifted. Recently it was a little tough there — because she just wanted to get through it and to have this wrench thrown in our way.”

She added, “But I was able to tell her, as most people [who] have gone through cancer, this happens. There are peaks and valleys. And we went through a valley but it’s more of a peak right now and I’m just very grateful for all the love and support that she’s receiving.”

In her new book, “Brighter by the Day,” Robin talks about optimism. She shared, “I was struggling and then I was thinking, ‘Robin, you have this book. You’re talking to people about their valleys and how to get out of it and so, why don’t you just actually listen to your own words?’”

She adds, “It’s human nature to… you know, ‘Why me?’ and then I was like, ‘Why not me? Why not me?’ I can handle this. I have the strength. I’ve been through this. I can help Amber. She’s helping me, so I turned ‘Why me?’ into ‘Why not me?’”

Robin has been through a lot in her life, but nothing made her emotional as seeing how Amber has been battling with the disease.

She said, “Up until that point, when you are the patient going through it, you’ve got on your armor, and I’m an athlete at heart and my doctors are my coaches and I had a game plan, the chemotherapy, the treatment.

When your loved one is going through it, you feel so helpless. I have been more emotional about her than I was my two times combined.

But God is good and it’s been challenging.”

Sometimes, no matter how difficult the challenges in life bring us, as long as we have someone by our side to simply listen and support us, we can get through it all. That’s exactly the relationship that Amber and Robin have, and they are truly inspiring.


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