Reasons to Keep Those Eggshells

Do you ever find yourself going through a lot of eggs in your house? Well, you’re not alone. Eggs are not only delicious and packed with protein, but did you know that their shells offer a ton of different benefits too? Before you dismiss them as waste, here are 7 compelling reasons why you should hang on to those eggshells.

Are slugs, worms, and snails wreaking havoc on your beautiful flowers? Fear not! Scatter some eggshells around the base of your plants and watch the magic happen. These pests can’t stand the feeling of eggshells, so they’ll think twice before venturing anywhere near your garden. Not only is this a natural way to protect your plants, but it’s also eco-friendly!

Living near a wooded area often comes with the nuisance of deer munching on your plants. But don’t fret! Sprinkle some eggshells around your plants to ward off these gentle giants. It turns out deer despise the smell of eggshells. By using eggshells as a natural deer repellent, you can keep your garden safe and maintain the beauty of your plants. Plus, it’s a simple and cost-effective solution!

Having birds visit your garden is a true delight. Not only do they serenade you with their beautiful songs, but they also help control unwanted pests. And guess what? Birds are big fans of eggshells! Sprinkle some around your garden, and watch these feathered friends flock to indulge in their favorite treat. It’s a win-win situation – you get the pleasure of birdsong while they enjoy a tasty snack!

Eggshells are a hidden treasure when it comes to boosting the health of your soil. They are jam-packed with calcium and other nutrients that can work wonders for your plants. By simply adding broken eggshells to your soil, you can enhance its overall health and provide your plants with the nutrients they need to thrive. It’s like giving your soil a nutrient-rich treat!

Certain veggies like tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers are prone to rotting due to calcium deficiencies. But worry not! You can prevent this issue by burying some broken eggshells beneath the soil around your vegetable plants. This way, you’ll ensure your veggies stay plump, vibrant, and full of flavor. It’s a natural way to keep your vegetables healthy and free from common issues!

Is your soil too acidic for some of your favorite plants to thrive? Don’t worry – eggshells to the rescue! Burying eggshells in the soil around these plants can help balance the pH level, creating a more favorable environment for them to grow and flourish. It’s a simple trick that can make a big difference in the health of your plants. Give it a try and see the results!

Why would you want to discard eggshells when they can be composted instead? Crushed eggshells are a fantastic addition to your compost pile or bin. By composting them, you contribute to the overall health of your garden while avoiding unnecessary waste. It’s a sustainable choice that benefits both your garden and the environment. So, make the most of those eggshells and create nutrient-rich compost!

So, the next time you crack open an egg, think twice before tossing those shells away. They can truly make a difference in your garden and contribute to a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Embrace the power of eggshells and let nature thrive in your backyard!


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