Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are in big trouble in the United States!

The prince and princess of Sussex have reportedly returned to their Los Angeles residence without reaching a settlement with the other members of the Royal Family, according to Meghan Markle’s friend and CBS host Gayle King.

The problems began after Harry and Markle spoke with Oprah Winfrey, and the impasse persists as Harry prepares to publish his autobiography and tell-all book in the upcoming months.

Both sides have made attempts to “make this right,” according to King.

Large families are notorious for their drama and strife. It will be interesting to observe if they will be driven apart or drawn closer together. I have no notion and no inside knowledge of it, but I will say this: It was heartening to see Harry supporting his family.

Harry must settle things.

Tina Brown, a former editor of the New Yorker and Vanity Fair, also commented on the situation, saying that Harry should abandon his book in order to win back the trust of his family.

“This is a fantastic opportunity. The nation cherished the sense of cohesion and the sight of the brothers reconciled, according to Brown.

“But there can be no trust unless he gives up his book, the tell-all documentaries, and the interviews. I believe there may be a solution if he does that.

There is a lot of work to be done and the Royal Family needs him. Being the mother of three kids, Kate doesn’t want to be traveling the world.

“They need to divide this up in some way, and Harry can play a significant role if he so chooses. And if Meghan so chooses, as she undoubtedly detested every single aspect of it.

“The question is whether they individually have what it takes to carry it out since, as we all know, familial resentment can run deep. I don’t see a path forward if Harry doesn’t want to throw the book away.

Brown remarked that Diana had always understood that her inner strength was what gave her power.

“She did that as princess of Wales when she shook hands with the aids patient, and it was bringing the luster of the monarchy to the event that made that gesture go across the world,” says the author.

Royal family divisions

Brown added that the couple’s influence within the Royal Family would be greater than outside of it, using Diana as an example.


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