Pat Sajak Opens Up About Near-Death Experience

Pat Sajak, the beloved host of “Wheel of Fortune,” recently had his fans worried when he underwent emergency surgery for a blocked bowel. In his first interview since the operation, Sajak shared his harrowing experience with “Good Morning America.” His story serves as a reminder of the fragility of life, but also the resilience of the human spirit.

It all started in November when Sajak was out for a morning stroll with his daughter. Suddenly, he was struck with excruciating pain that left him doubled over. Hours later, he found himself lying on a hospital bed in the fetal position, unable to find relief from the agony. Despite multiple medications, none of them seemed to help.

But then, a breakthrough came. Sajak’s physicians administered a medicine that miraculously took away his pain. In that moment, he felt a sense of clarity and peace wash over him. He saw vibrant pastel colors and felt like he was floating.

While in this state, he could hear his wife and daughter talking in the background. Although they were right next to him, their voices seemed distant, as if they were a mile away. Sajak couldn’t help but think, “This must be death. This must be how death feels.”

In that moment, his concerns were for his loved ones. He worried about how they would cope with his potential loss. Little did he know that his fears would soon prove to be unfounded.

“It turns out that I was merely high,” Sajak laughed. The medicine had created a surreal experience that made him believe he was on the precipice of death. Thankfully, the procedure was a success, and Sajak is now back on his feet.

Doctors found no underlying cause for the intestinal blockage, which means Sajak doesn’t need to make any significant lifestyle changes. He has been feeling fantastic for several weeks now and has even returned to the studio to host “Wheel of Fortune” once again. Sajak joked that even after spinning the wheel, nothing popped, so he believes he is in the clear.

During his recovery, Sajak’s long-time co-host, Vanna White, stepped in to fill his shoes. In a playful banter, Sajak expressed his concern that White might take over as the primary host. “I discovered she enjoys hosting, and I’m a little nervous,” he admitted.

Despite the health scare, Sajak remains committed to his role on “Wheel of Fortune.” He’s grateful for his recovery and cherishes the moments he gets to spend with his co-host, Vanna White. With a renewed appreciation for life, Sajak continues to entertain and captivate millions of viewers, always on his guard and ready to spin that wheel.


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