Only Trained Mathematicians Can Ace This Test

Ready to test your mathematical mettle? We’ve got a question that’s sparked debates and sent some running for their calculators. Get your thinking caps on, because it’s time to flex those brain muscles!

Here’s the mind-bender in question:

Now, before your head starts spinning and you dive into a world of parentheses and division signs, take a deep breath. The answer to this brain teaser is:

24 ÷ 4 (6 – 4) = 12

Yes, you read that right. It’s 12. It might look simple or even a bit tricky at first glance, but remember, math is all about following the right steps and understanding the order of operations.

So, did you get it right without breaking a sweat? Or did this little puzzle give you a bit of a workout? Either way — well done! Consider yourself a math wizard in the making.

And there you have it, folks! Keep challenging yourself with more puzzles, and who knows — you might just become the next great mathematical genius. Until next time, keep those brains sharp and those calculators handy!


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