No need to hide your flaws!
Never bother to look like someone other than you are! Don’t just turn around for the sake of people who don’t even bother to know you the way you are, with all the things you consider flawed. Be very careful! It is extremely easy to fall into the trap of perfection sought by people … and you may suffer enormously until you discover that those who cherish and truly love you accept you as “flawed”.
What you have to look for is to be perfect before God … and this thing will prove to be very difficult, because man is doomed to error. But what you have to do is want to be a better person, to strive and not give up this fight … because it is a fight with society, with yourself, because you will always face temptations that will it makes you do ugly, bad things … but with God’s will and help, it’s impossible to fail! Put your trust in Him before you put it in yourself!
You don’t have to be perfect for your friends, your teachers, your bosses, your colleagues … you don’t even have to be perfect for your parents. It takes you and that’s it! You need to evolve on your path with God. You will be judged for this, and many people will leave you because they will not be able to adapt to your new lifestyle … in which you become aware of your abilities and you will fight evil … because nowadays it seems like most people they are taught to accept true evil more easily than good … because they have a covered heart.
So why bother to fit into people’s preferences? Why transform yourself for someone who is not willing to love you for who you really are? Before you try to hide your flaws, think carefully about what they are! Think carefully not to hide qualities with which you will be able to help those around you!