Never forgive your man when he keeps doing these things

We all make mistakes in a relationship, but there are some things that guys do that should never be forgiven. By letting him get away with things that are disrespectful to you and your relationship, you’ll only be headed toward a lifetime of betrayal, disrespect, and sadness. Here’s are list of some of the most awful things your man can do to damage your relationship, and the reasons why you should NEVER forgive him.

1. He lies to you

If you’ve noticed how your man keeps lying to you about the smallest of things, and about things that don’t really matter just for the heck of it, then you might just be in a relationship with a pathological liar. And if he can’t even speak the truth on the little things, how will you ever trust him with things that actually matter? There might even come a time when you’re unable to distinguish his lies from the actual truth. And my advice would be to leave before you allow that to happen.

2. He keeps invading your privacy.

Have you ever caught him going through your phone the minute you leave for the bathroom? Did he end up checking your entire Facebook inbox the day you accidentally left your account open on his laptop? Is he always convincing you to give him all your passwords? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then it’s clear that your partner will not leave any chance to snoop around and invade your privacy. Even when you don’t have anything to hide, such behavior is just plain annoying and reflects how your partner has some serious trust issues. And a relationship is bound to end if it isn’t based on the foundation of trust.

3. He keeps texting his Ex.

If he’s strictly platonic with these past lovers, there’s nothing to worry about. But if you discover he’s sending flirty messages to his ex-girlfriend, then honey, don’t forgive him. It’s time for you to get a new boyfriend.

4. He cheats on you.

For me, the ultimate betrayal in a relationship is when your partner has the audacity to cheat on you. I can forgive a person if they fall out of love with me and decide to break up. But I can never forgive them if they make the conscious choice to go behind my back, hook up with someone else, and hurt me in such a deep way. Because cheating isn’t just about love, what it truly reflects is the amount of respect you have for the person you’re with. Forgiving a guy who cheats on you just means that you’re agreeing to be disrespected.

5. He disrespects you.

Whether it’s by cursing you, by trivializing your problems in life, by belittling the efforts you make, or just with his general attitude towards you, you don’t have the time to put up with a person like that. Nobody in this world has the right to disrespect you in any way and while this might seem like a small issue as compared to the huge problems couples face, this can actually become the root cause of deeper issues ahead. Stop waiting for this attitude to turn into a bigger problem and leave him while you still can.

6. He disrespects you family and friends.

A guy who truly loves you will be more than eager to know the people in your life better. He will look for ways to connect with the people who are important in your life just so he can feel even closer to you. It doesn’t matter how annoying your family might be. It doesn’t matter how different he is from your friends. If your guy isn’t even making an effort to know them better and doesn’t leave a single chance to make a joke about them, then it’s clear that he doesn’t really care enough about this relationship.

7. He keeps bringing up the past.

Every couple has fights. Every couple goes through rough times. And every couple has said horrible things to each other that they’ve regretted instantly. But if you truly want to move forward from things like these in a healthy and happy way, it’s important to leave the past behind. Old arguments and problems should be completely erased from your mind once you decide to kiss and make up. But if you’ve noticed how your boyfriend has made a mental list of every bad thing that has ever happened in this relationship and if he has the habit of bringing up past incidents in every fight you have, it’s possible that your relationship will always stay stuck in that bad phase.

Sonia’s Final Thoughts

Alright, ladies, here’s the grand finale! Let’s get real for a moment. Life is too short to put up with nonsense. If your man is consistently ticking off these major red flags, it’s high time to reevaluate. Look, relationships are supposed to lift us up, not weigh us down. If he’s dragging you through the mud on repeat, it’s time to hand him a pair of walking boots. You deserve someone who respects, loves, and values you. End of story.


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