Mom’s Brilliant Response to Unauthorized Video of Her Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural and normal practice for new mothers, even in public places. However, a young mom from Maryland had an unexpected encounter when she discovered a video of herself breastfeeding online. This incident prompted her to share her thoughts. Let’s dive into the story…

While casually browsing through social media, Izabele Lomax came across a video that caught her attention. Upon closer inspection, she realized that it was actually a video of herself. The video was a screenshot from an older post, showcasing Lomax breastfeeding her baby in public. Unfortunately, there were critics who believed she should have concealed her body.

To her surprise, Lomax found the screenshot on a breastfeeding support group, shared by one of its members. Utterly shocked, she couldn’t help but express her thoughts on the matter. Alongside the photo, she wrote, “Just pulled up my Facebook and was greeted with this, and I just cannot understand how another female can say this and take VIDEO of this momma feeding her baby and post it to the internet.”

Although Lomax immediately recognized herself in the video, she had no idea she was being filmed without her consent. She exclaimed, “I was like, ‘That’s me!'” This incident occurred while Lomax was breastfeeding her infant on a beach blanket, completely unaware of the covert recording.

The person who initially posted the video claimed that their intention was not to shame breastfeeding mothers in public, but rather to raise awareness about covering up while breastfeeding. Lomax strongly disagreed, as she believed it was unnecessary to shame women for nourishing their babies. In response, she posted her own video, asserting, “Not only did this woman walk past me multiple times with her son, you had every opportunity in the world to say something to me.”

Lomax’s video highlighted the importance of open communication and respect among women, especially in situations that involve personal choices and parenting. She wanted to express that it is wrong to film someone without consent and then shame them for something as natural as breastfeeding.

This incident serves as a reminder that breastfeeding is a beautiful act of love and nourishment for a mother and her child. It is crucial to support and uplift mothers, rather than subjecting them to unnecessary criticism and embarrassment.

Remember, moms have the right to breastfeed their babies wherever they need to, and it’s our responsibility as a society to create an environment that values and respects their choices.


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