Meghan Markle wanted to be excluded from the Royal Family “from day one”.
According to the new book, “They think she wanted to be able to claim, “Look how they failed to help me.”
Have you ever thought Meghan Markle would like to join the royal family? According to recent sources, the answer is no.
Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown, a shocking new book by Valentine Low, asserts that the Duchess of Sussex was “in the know” about the situation. According to Sun, that report helped lay the groundwork for Megxit.
In the book, Low, a Times writer, made a number of ridiculous assertions, one of which was that Meghan had “forgotten” how helpful the Palace had been to her while serving as acting monarch because he only wanted to be excluded from the family.
“Everyone understood that this institution would be evaluated based on its level of satisfaction.
The error they committed was assuming he want happiness. He wanted to be rejected because he was preoccupied with the report from day one, Low continued in the book.
Low brought up remarks made by Meghan during the Duke and Duchess’s Oprah Winfrey interview from last year, in which she claimed to have abandoned HR when suicidal feelings.
According to a Times writer, the HR move was “inevitable” because the department is solely in charge of royal family personnel, not actual members.
Critics viewed the action as a method for the former Suits star to “prepare evidence” that would later support his divorce case, he continued. He is aware that he never wanted to be a part of the family.
“A number of wealthy individuals, all of whom believed in Meghan and wanted to make it work, were so disheartened that they started to suspect that even her sincerely beseeching for assistance was a part of a calculated strategy that had one aim: his departure from the royal family.” High said.
They think he wanted to be able to say, ‘Look how they failed to support me,’ when people did not.
According to other accounts, Harry was “disliked” by staff members like his wife and used to send top royals in the palace “horrific emails.”
The charges are a part of a string of disturbing information about the Duke of Sussex and his wife, and the couple’s discourteous letter to the Queen and Charles names Edward Young and Clive Alderton as members of their staff.
The Sun reported that Low’s most recent employment also claimed that Sam Cohen, a private secretary, Sarah Latham, a public relations manager, and Marnie Gaffney, an assistant press secretary, were the three individuals Harry and Meghan left behind.
She also claims that the couple’s generosity overwhelmed the workers to the point where they adopted the moniker “Sussex Survivors Club.”
One of Low’s sources told The Sun that the issue was that everyone in the palace was “extremely soft and social.”
“When someone chooses not to be strategic, they are at a loss for what to do,” they claimed.