Meghan Markle, slammed by a well-known journalist

Meghan Markle was criticized by Megyn Kelly for frequently referring to Prince Harry as “her husband,” saying she simply does it to garner media attention.

During the most recent episode of her podcast, Kelly, 51, didn’t hold back in her criticism of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for “ripping on the Royals to whom they actually owe all of their fame and much of their fortune.”

Kelly, who once said that Americans “don’t like royalty,” was extremely irritated by Markle’s continual use of the phrase “her husband.”

She remarked on the show from Tuesday, “We get it, you nabbed the gorilla.” Congrats! You got the big bear, and now you want the rest of us to know.

After Meghan published a new edition of her Archetypes podcast in which she gushed over Harry’s parenting abilities, she received criticism.

“Oh my husband? Oh, he’s wonderful! When asked on Tuesday’s show if Harry helped out much with the parenting, Markle, 41, responded.

She continued by explaining that on their “chaotic” mornings, the 38-year-old Duke assists in “getting [Archie] downstairs” while she prepares breakfast.

I prepare breakfast for each of the three of them. For me, it’s incredibly significant. Markle admitted on her podcast that she enjoys doing it.

In addition, Kelly insisted that the future Duchess was lying when she said she had never done any research on the Royal family before meeting Prince Harry.

At the moment, Markle admitted to Oprah that she had never looked up her spouse online. I simply didn’t feel the need to because he was telling me all I needed to know, or at least what we felt I needed to know.

Christopher Anderson giggled to Kelly when he said that Meghan, like “any other young woman,” knew about the Royal family during their chat about his new book The King: The Life of Charles III.

She was in love with [the Royals], just like every other young woman her age. According to the author, there are photos of her at the Buckingham Palace gates as a teenager.

Let’s face it, Kelly concurred, “There’s always that eligible bachelor.” “For my generation, JFK Jr., and for her generation, Prince Harry.”

We are both really claiming that she was a liar. She said a falsehood about it.

Kelly also took issue with The Sussex’s disturbing interview with Oprah, including the purportedly racist assertions.

Although they both declined to disclose who suggested it, Meghan and Harry stated in their interview that a family member had wondered what skin tone their child might have while Meghan was pregnant.

Anderson asserted that the discussion took place prior to the couple’s announcement of their engagement, not during Markle’s pregnancy.

Charles and Camilla were wondering about the potential appearance of the grandchildren if they were to become grandparents.

It’s obvious that you have two lovely people here, and I wonder what color their eyes and hair will be. You know, this sort of material was something that, in my opinion, was quite benign and was seen by many people before it was turned into something toxic.

Anderson continued by claiming that by the time the communication reached the pair, “guys in gray who operate the monarchy behind the scenes” may have “misinterpreted” it.

Let’s put it this way: It was a telephone game, Anderson said to Kelly.

According to Kelly, the now-talk King’s with his wife shouldn’t be viewed as “racist.”

You’re merely interested in the appearance of your unborn child, she explained. “To judge someone negatively because of their darker color would be racist, but to ask a question, that’s not discriminatory.”

The Sussex family’s “jumping to that conclusion” was seen by Anderson, a grandfather himself, to be “quite irresponsible.” Anderson also said that he imagined what his own grandchildren would look like.

Additionally, Kelly and Anderson implied that Charles’ son should “know that his dad is not a racist” and contrasted Charles’ past with Harry’s.

“Everyone is aware of Harry’s history.” He struggled with drugs, and when he was a teenager, the tabloids had a field day when he attended a costume party dressed as a Nazi. He also made remarks to some Army friends that some perceived as being anti-Muslim.

Harry had previously been repeatedly escorted out of bars when intoxicated, according to Anderson, but Charles never wavered.

He supported Harry and helped him out when he needed it. Harry would not be exiled, Anderson asserted. It’s unfortunate that Harry was unable to recall that aspect of their connection.

Kelly further slammed Meghan, saying, “Meghan wants us to care about what title her daughter gets, but we don’t, we don’t.” They’re still complaining about it, too.


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