Mango Worms in Dogs: What You Need to Know

If you’re a dog owner, you’re probably familiar with parasites like roundworms and tapeworms. But have you ever heard of mango worms? These little critters live under a dog’s skin, causing discomfort and irritation. While mango worms may not be as well-known as other parasites, they can still be a problem for your furry friend.

Mango worms are native to Africa and are commonly known as mango flies. Unlike other parasites that target the digestive tract, mango worms prefer to make their home in a dog’s skin and fur. They burrow under the skin and feed on the surrounding tissue, causing irritation and distress for your dog.

While mango worms are more common in Africa, they have also been spotted in Uganda and South Africa. If you live in these areas, your dog may be more susceptible to mango worm infestations. These parasites are attracted to soil that contains traces of dung or urine, so it’s important to limit your dog’s exposure to potentially contaminated areas.

Identifying a mango worm infestation in your dog can be tricky. The early stages of the infestation may not show any symptoms, but as the worms grow and emerge from the skin, you may notice itching, redness, blisters, sleep difficulties, fever, and changes in behavior. If you suspect your dog has mango worms, it’s important to seek professional help right away. Veterinarians have the knowledge and tools to properly remove the worms and treat any infections.

To remove mango worms, veterinarians often administer injections with substances like adrenaline and lidocaine to kill the larvae. In some cases, the scabs of the boils may need to be removed and sterile wax or jelly applied to suffocate the larvae. Squeezing the boils or pimples to remove the larvae can also be an effective method, but it must be done carefully and in a sterile manner.

Prevention is key when it comes to mango worms. Limit your dog’s exposure to potentially contaminated soil, and regularly groom and clean their coat to reduce the risk of infestation. By taking these precautions, you can help protect your dog from the discomfort and potential complications of mango worm infestations.

It’s important to note that mango worms are unlikely to infest humans. Humans don’t have the fur that parasites cling to, and we don’t engage in soil-bound activities like dogs do. However, it’s still possible for humans to unintentionally become hosts if they come into contact with mango fly eggs, such as through contaminated clothing.

In conclusion, mango worms may not be as well-known as other parasites, but they can still cause discomfort for your dog. If you live in an area where mango worms are prevalent, it’s important to be aware of the symptoms and seek immediate medical care if you suspect an infestation. With proper treatment and prevention measures, you can keep your furry friend happy and healthy.


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