Man shows up to his wedding in jeans and t-shirt – people on the internet give opinions

For most people, their wedding is one of the most special days in their lives. However, for some people, it can be pretty… casual. This man is getting a lot of opinions for what he decided to wear. Keep reading to know what went down…

A wedding is usually a serious affair. The dress code and attire are carefully planned and communicated to the guests. However, at this particular wedding, the groom himself wore something that nobody expected.


A TikTok creator shared a video of her friend Catherine’s wedding and explained that just a few months ago, Catherine had sworn that she was not going to fall in love. But then, things took a turn, and she found love that summer.

A screenshot from that video ended up on Reddit, where people had a lot to say about the groom’s outfit, and unfortunately, not all of it was kind. In the picture, the bride looked stunning in a beautiful white wedding mermaid-style gown, complete with a traditional veil and heavy jewelry. Meanwhile, the groom stood out with his incredibly casual attire, wearing a black t-shirt, jeans, and white sneakers.

The contrasting choices of clothing sparked a lot of discussion and raised many eyebrows.

The Reddit post captioned the photo as “Grooms wearing jeans at a fancy wedding.”

Wedding couple

“This is probably indicative of the amount of effort he’ll put into the marriage as well,” one person commented, reflecting the negative sentiments.

Some expressed doubts about the longevity of the marriage and commented on the groom’s perceived indifference, stating, “He looks like he couldn’t care” and “He’s just letting her know she has a life of him not giving a f— about her ahead of her.”

Happy couple

However, amid the judgmental remarks, there were others who chose to see the positive side. One commenter acknowledged the bride’s beauty and wished the couple the best, saying, “Not sure what their circumstances are, but I wish them both the best.”

Another speculated that perhaps the couple had made a conscious decision to adhere to their personal preferences, stating, “Maybe she wanted a dress like this, [he] wanted the outfit he had on their first dates, both are happy the other is dressed as they like.”

Ultimately, the sentiment of one commenter summed it up perfectly: “If they are happy, then who cares? If the groom just couldn’t be a–ed, then that’s very sad.”

Regardless of the opinions voiced, we sincerely hope that the newly married couple finds everlasting happiness together. People make all sorts of decisions, even ones that others may not agree with, but as long as they are happy, that’s all that truly matters! Feel free to share this interesting story with others!


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