Listen before you speak, think before you react, win before you spend, wait before you criticize, and try before you stop.

Countless times we have let our actions, thoughts, words guided by anything but God. We see the repercussions today all around us: quarrels, uncertainty, insecurity about ourselves, fear of death, malice, neglect, indolence and more and more. All these are not normal things, but we have accepted them in our lives and we embrace them every day. Why?


Why have we allowed ourselves to take quick steps toward lives we don’t like? Why do we let ourselves be guided by vices, evils, envies? Why do we let other people guide our lives even if we do not agree with what they say and do? Because it finances us? Why don’t we work anymore and expect to receive everything in vain? Why do we give up on our dreams even before we dream? Why are so many things happening that do not honor humanity?


Before you do, it is essential to know, to listen, to wait. But even these things are harder than we think, because it is much easier to do anything than to use your mind to determine the steps to succeed. The truth is that we have learned to be lazy and we no longer bother to go through the filter of reason … but let the actions come naturally, whether we hurt someone or not.


We are people. As incredible as we may think, the truth is that we are worth much less than we expect. However, for God we value enormously. He loves us as much as we can’t even imagine and is waiting for us to look back at Him. The choice of path remains with us, because He does not force us to do good. It left us free to choose how we want to live, what things we consider valuable.


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