Life is about choosing!

I see life as a road that forks from time to time … or forks and so on, depending on the options we can choose. The destination is so uncertain because there are a lot of combinations we can make until we reach the end. But one thing is for sure! There is good and bad and it depends only on us that we choose every time.


The beginning is easy because we let the parents choose, and they choose well. No matter how wrong they may have been before, they will certainly always choose the good for us … because they love us more than themselves! But after a while, they let us make our own decisions. Why? Because they love us, because they want to create a mind that can think for us, because they want to see people, they want to know us well! But only then does the hard work begin.


We will reach many intersections, and each of them depends on the previous ones. We will have a choice between good and evil not just once, and not infrequently evil will be the tempting option because it can bring us satisfaction at that time .. but after, we will reach another intersection … and it will be more and more difficult to choose the good.


God created us as rational beings because He loves us. He wants us to make the right decisions … and He helps us when we ask Him. But he does not forcefully enter our lives, but politely waits to invite Him. He gives us the opportunity to get up from the ground … by installing roundabouts … so that we can turn around, choose differently.


Maybe now, at 20, 30 years old, it seems impossible to us, with all the bright future that is coming, to fall so hard. One thing is for sure though: we must not be ashamed of the path we have chosen, so be very careful!


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