Leave this weed alone if you see it

In this picture, purslane is displayed. This is a common weed that develops in gardens and lawns. The plant is actually a nice and healthy one that may be consumed as a leafy green, despite the temptation to remove it or kill it with chemicals.

In my own experience, I became aware of the benefits of purslane while working on a project involving a community garden. According to one of the skilled gardeners, purslane can be used as a garnish or in salads and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Since then, instead of eradicating purslane from my garden, I’ve made it a point to purposefully include it in my meals.

Starting with omega-3 fatty acids

According to Mother Earth Living, the omega-3 fatty acids in purslane act as brain food, a heart attack preventative, and a depression treatment.

The plant is also abundant in antioxidants, which stop cell damage and slow down aging, according to Mother Earth Living.

Calcium and magnesium
Consuming purslane helps maintain healthy bones, teeth, and muscles.

Due to the potassium it contains, calcium purslane is a beneficial addition to your diet as it reduces blood pressure.

The majority of people think that the sole sources of iron are red meat and beans. However, purslane is also a good source of iron, according to Heal With Food.

Given its green color, you may not expect purslane to be a significant source of beta carotene, but according to the Chicago Tribune, this is one of the plant’s most advantageous properties.

Purslane contains 93% water, according to Progressive Health. Consume the plant to help your body’s cells regain moisture.

Glutathione and melatonin
The plant purslane contains glutathione, an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage, and melatonin, which regulates sleep-wake cycles, according to Progressive Health.

According to Progressive Health, the purslane antioxidant betalain can prevent cholesterol from damaging blood arteries. Purslane is well known for reducing LDL cholesterol because of this.

Purslane contains this essential amino acid, which regulates mood. According to Progressive Health, eating purslane can aid with depression.


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