King Charles has put a big condition on Harry.

The future of the monarchy and its members is uncertain with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II since King Carlos III’s new administration is attempting to enforce a different method of ascending to the throne that involves doing away with the least important members of the royal family.

Accepting some, such as Prince Harry, but with a significant stipulation surrounding Meghan Markle.

Could Harry join the royal family once more?

According to a royal biographer, Charles III would only accept his children back if he came to divorce Meghan Markle, therefore it appears that the only way for Prince Harry to be accepted back into the royal family is through his marriage.

Everyone is aware that the new monarch of the United Kingdom dislikes controversies and troubles, therefore he will take every precaution to ensure that these issues do not arise during his reign.

And in order to accomplish this, he will have to get rid of some members of his family, such as Meghan Markle and Prince Andrew, who have recently caused the monarchy the most trouble.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex might benefit from King Charles III’s stature and notoriety

According to writer and “Les Borgias à Buckingham” author Marc Roche, Meghan and Harry may attempt to re-join the monarchy because they are losing favor with Americans. King Carlos III would be the only one who could assist them, but only under one condition.

“Prince Harry and Meghan Markle need the money because, in the wake of the queen’s passing and the uproar throughout the world, their value on the US market is declining. The leading pair is a Sussex couple, although they are not as wealthy as folks in Hollywood, “explained said.

“I believe that King Carlos III, who is incredibly wealthy, is the only person who can assist them. Stopping one’s run and becoming the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, like Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, is the price to be paid “describes Roche

While Meghan is committed to acting again, he would ask the couple to get a divorce and stop being disruptive in exchange for financial assistance. Harry would then return to his life as a royal.

“Only Prince Harry will receive a warm welcome, regain his title, resume his military responsibilities, etc. Here in the UK, there is hope for this divorce, “The journalist explained, making a suggestion that Prince Harry might still be interested in the throne.


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