“I breastfed my little girl as much as she wanted: at the age of 9 she told me that she no longer wanted milk from her mother”

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding until the age of 6 months and continuing the process until 2 years.

Of course, there are specialists who believe that breastfeeding can be continued after this threshold, which was done by a mother in England. She stopped when her daughter was 9 years old.

Breastfeeding is not only a process of feeding the baby but also a good way to strengthen the bond between mother and baby. Sharon Spink herself said that she will miss the closeness of her daughter, Charlotte, who decided that she no longer wants breast milk.

The baby is 9 years old and has been breastfed non-stop.

“When I had Charlotte, I decided that I would go naturally in terms of weaning. It is recommended that the baby is in control in this regard, instead of everything being forced “, said the mother.

The fact that Sharon decided to breastfeed her daughter until the age of 9 brought her a considerable number of criticisms. Moreover, she was accused of abuse and pedophilia, but nevertheless, she was determined to remove the prejudices brought by breastfeeding an older child, because there are many mothers who do it.

“She gave up on her own this year. It was a gradual process and the decision belonged to him. I breastfed her about once a month, or when she was not feeling well and had no energy.

He hasn’t done it in two months. He told me that he would stop when he turned 10, that is, in April of the following year, but it seems that the natural wean came earlier. I would have let her continue as long as she wanted “, added the mother.

Sharon said the benefits of such prolonged breastfeeding have been seen over time, as her daughter does not have any flu or cold episodes. The mother admitted that she never talked to Charlotte about the possibility of stopping the process and hopes that in the future the child will be left with the feeling of security and comfort she had during breastfeeding.

“We have a very strong connection and I am convinced that it is due to breastfeeding. I don’t think it will change even though we stopped, “said Sharon.


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