How to Make Him Worry About Losing You: A Playful Guide for Women Over 45

Do you ever feel like you could disappear and your man wouldn’t notice? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Here’s how to make him worry about losing you and stop taking you for granted, without turning into a soap opera villainess.

Talk About the Future Like He Might Not Be in It

As you chat about future events, casually imply that he’s not a given part of your plans. No melodrama needed; you don’t have to discuss splitting assets. Instead, talk about that upcoming road trip or weekend spa retreat in the singular first person. Say “I” instead of “we,” and trust me, he’ll notice that subtle shift and start to wonder what’s up.

Text Less, Make Him Wonder More

We know, most of us ladies are texting warriors. However, try strategically reducing your messaging. Don’t always be the first to text. Now he’ll start to wonder why your phone isn’t buzzing nonstop for him. Maybe he’ll take more initiative, or at the very least, he’ll think you’ve got a life outside of texting him every five minutes.

Flirt Lightly Without Crossing the Line

This one’s a bit like playing with fire, so handle with care. A small, innocent flirt can make him jealous just enough to remind him that you’re a hot commodity. Flash a smile at a charming gentleman, but don’t overdo it or you might actually lose your man. The key is to let him know that you’ve got options, and yet, you’ve chosen him.

Glamorize Yourself

We all get comfortable in relationships, sometimes too comfortable. It’s time to bring back the glam! Dress up and look fabulous, whether you’re with him or not. As other men start to notice and maybe even compliment you, it’ll remind your man not to take your beauty for granted. Plus, it might spark a little fear that someone could snatch you away.

Don’t Be Afraid to Walk Away

This isn’t just advice for making him worry; it’s life advice. Never settle for less than you deserve. Be willing to walk away if things aren’t working. He’ll sense that you’re not afraid to move on, and this might make him value you more. A bit of fear that he could lose you might be rooted in love, pushing him to put more effort into the relationship.

Make New Friends

If your man is used to hanging out with your usual crew, shaking things up can make him nervous. New friends can symbolize new chapters in your life—chapters that might not include him. Whether your new pals are women or introduce you to new guys, the change alone can get him thinking about where he stands in your life.

Feign Boredom

This one is a bit mean, but effective. Show a little disinterest when he’s talking about his day or sharing a story. If he notices you seem bored, he’ll start to question if he’s losing your interest altogether. It might sting a bit but it could also be the wake-up call he needs.



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