Greedy Dad Wants His Daughter to Inherit His Wife’s Family Necklace Intended for His Stepdaughter

Having a family heirloom is a special responsibility. It is a symbol of tradition and history, meant to be passed on from generation to generation. But what happens when there is a disagreement about who should receive it?

This is the predicament that one woman found herself in. She had planned to pass on her family’s treasured necklace to her own daughter. However, her husband had different plans. He wanted the necklace to be given to his daughter from a previous marriage.

The woman turned to Reddit for help, seeking reassurance and guidance on whether she was in the wrong for sticking to her original plan. She explained that her husband had been gaslighting her, causing strain on their relationship.

New Marriage, New Expectations

The woman, who is 35 years old, has been married to her husband, Joey, for two years. Prior to their marriage, they had been dating for four years and each had daughters from previous relationships.

“My family has a tradition of giving an emerald necklace that’s passed down from a mother to their eldest daughter or son on their 14th birthday,” she shared. Her daughter, Emily, is about to turn 14 in January.

Joey was well aware of this family tradition since the beginning of their relationship. He knew that the necklace was intended for Emily. However, when the topic of Christmas gifts came up, Joey suggested that his own daughter, Sophia, should be the recipient of the treasured emerald jewelry instead of Emily.

His reasoning was that it would be a beautiful way for his wife to show her acceptance of Sophia as her daughter. However, the woman did not agree with this idea. Emily had always been aware of the family tradition and had been eagerly anticipating receiving the necklace. She made her feelings known to her husband, but he refused to change his perspective.

Husband Accused Her of Favoritism

Joey accused his wife of favoring her own daughter over Sophia. He even went as far as suggesting that she could simply buy another necklace from Amazon to give to Emily. But the woman stood her ground. She firmly stated that the heirloom was going to her daughter, regardless of her husband’s opinion.

Since that conversation, Joey has been giving her the silent treatment, except when they are in front of the children. Additionally, he has shared the story with his mother and sister, who have also accused the woman of favoritism and pressured her to give the necklace to Sophia.

Internet Users Shared Their Thoughts on the Story

Feeling conflicted and seeking validation, the woman reached out to the Reddit community for their opinions. She asked if she was wrong for insisting on her daughter receiving the heirloom and if it was causing irreparable damage to her marriage.

The responses flooded in, and they were overwhelmingly supportive of the woman. Reddit users pointed out the hypocrisy of Joey’s argument, stating that he was favoring his own child over his wife’s by starting this dispute. Many believed that the woman’s reasons for wanting to keep the heirloom for her daughter were completely justified, and that Joey was out of line.


In the end, it is up to the woman to decide what she believes is best for her family and her daughter. Family traditions hold deep sentimental value and are not easily discarded. This disagreement highlights the importance of communication and understanding within a marriage, especially when it comes to blending families.

What are your thoughts on this situation? Do you think the woman was right to stand her ground and prioritize her daughter?


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