“God loves you and has a plan for your life,” says Nick Vujicic.

“I appreciate all views, but my strength is my trust in Christ, prayer, and daily Bible reading, and tonight at the Life Without Boundaries conference, I will tell you a little more about it,” he added earlier in his #Stopbullying lecture. According to the Spanish news website Actualidad Evangélica, he did.

“I can achieve anything with God, one day at a time,” says Nick Vujicic. It is his counsel for overcoming personal constraints, regardless of how challenging they appear.

Nick exudes faith, hope, and enthusiasm for life. He speaks with contagious enthusiasm. He urges everyone in the room to believe and explains why he trusts God. But, his message is not one of triumphalism. “In life, we all experience ups and downs. I went through a depressive episode two years ago. I required psychological assistance. But I have faith; I don’t give up because God is with me”.

“I have realized that my greatest impediment is my unbelief,” he told the audience at the Palace of Congresses in Madrid, which had filled more than 90% of the seats for the third session in two days.

As the Bible teaches, Nick admits to believing in a God who performs miracles. “I have a pair of shoes in my closet in case God lets my legs expand,” he continues, “truly!” But I’ve realized that if God doesn’t do the miracle I’m expecting, I can be the miracle!”.

Nick demonstrates humility and regard for his audience. He reveals himself to be weak, human, and frail, yet strangely, this is the greatest strength of his message: he disarms and captivates even the most skeptical hearts, leading people to Jesus.

He tells them about God’s love, which heals the brokenhearted. That he accepts us exactly as we are. That he intends for our lives to have meaning.

“Many people suffer from depression because they don’t know what their lives are for,” he explains. “God loves you as you are, and He has a purpose for your life”.

He closes by inviting people who have never received Jesus’ love into their hearts to do so. To decide to believe in and follow Jesus. He also leads them in prayer. Hundreds of people respond to his call by wanting to know and trust God.

Sal 150, a folk-rock band, performed several songs before Vujicic’s conference.

Make sure to check out the speech that brought an entire school to tears below:


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