Girl suffering from anorexia weighs 70 lb at 18 years old – proof that motivation and dedication can get you anywhere

Anorexia is one of the most common eating disorders and affects over 30 million people in the U.S. It’s very difficult to live with anorexia and some of the symptoms include fatigue, extreme weight loss, dizziness, and insomnia.

These are just a few of the symptoms and because society puts so much importance on the aspect, social life is also at risk. Anorexia is a serious disorder that brings serious consequences to people’s health, relationship, and lifestyle.

The girl in the following article struggled with this problem for a long time but she managed to change everything. Make sure you read her story.

At only 18 years old, Vera Schulz weighed just 70 lb and she lived like that for several months. When she started experiencing some of the worst symptoms such as fainting, dizziness, and breathing issues, she told herself that something must change and that she can’t continue like that. Her life was at risk.

She started the changing process and included fruits and vegetables in her diet, including fitness exercises that she practiced every single day. The result? Amazing! She managed to take her lifestyle to a new level and acquired a body that every woman craves.

She no longer hates herself and now loves life. Life improved dramatically, she has a handsome boyfriend, goes out with no shame, and enjoys a healthy life.

Suffering from anorexia can be very rough, and if you need help with this disorder we recommend you visit your doctor for diet advice and more. As you can see, anything is possible when you have determination and a clear path to reach your vision.

Make sure you share this story with your friends and family and tell us what you think.


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