Following his release from the hospital, Jay Leno displays his burn scars.

After suffering severe burns in a gasoline fire a week ago, Jay Leno is now showing the public his face for the first time since the incident. The comedian, who was sent to Grossman Burn Center on November 13 with burns of the third degree when a car exploded in his garage on November 13, is all grins in a newly shared photo that was distributed in a press release today.

Leno, who was most recently seen receiving treatment in a hyperbaric chamber in video that was made available to Inside Edition last week, is shown grinning alongside burn center staff in the photo that was published on Page Six. In the photo, visible scars can be seen on and around his chin, as well as on his hand.

Following a 10-day stay at the facility, Jay will receive follow-up care at the Grossman Outpatient Burn Clinic for the burns to his face, chest, and hands that he incurred following a fire that occurred in his home garage. This information is included in a news release that also included the photo.

Jay would like everyone to know how grateful he is for the care he received, and he is extremely appreciative of all of the good wishes that have been sent his way,” the release goes on to say. “He sends his best wishes to all of you for a happy holiday and says that he is looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with his family and friends.”

Page Six reports that Leno has been released from the burn center where he was being treated. The late night comic had skin graft treatments done at the burn center, which is where he was initially treated after the event that occurred in his garage the previous Sunday.

In a recent interview with Inside Edition, Leno’s physician, Dr. Peter Grossman, stated that his patient was progressing well in therapy and that he had been seen walking around, telling jokes, and handing out cookies to other patients.

Dr. Grossman also stated that he projected Leno to make a full recovery, despite the fact that he anticipated obvious scars from his burns, which may or may not fade away.

Dr. Grossman explained to Inside Edition Leno that the scarring that would result from his skin grafts would be present “for the foreseeable future.” However, he said, “Our aim is that ultimately they would be minimally visible, or maybe not at all.”


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