Father Prioritizes Dog Over Son: A Different Perspective

Dogs are often referred to as man’s best friend, and their loyalty and companionship are highly valued. But what happens when a father chooses to carry his dog instead of his young son? Recently, a video capturing this incident went viral on TikTok, sparking a debate about priorities and family dynamics.

The video, recorded by a woman named Luz Elena from her car, shows a man carrying his pitbull in one arm while holding his son’s hand with the other. Luz Elena added a caption to the video, expressing her surprise at the father’s choice and asking where TikTok users stood on this issue. The video gained widespread attention and generated over 4 million views and 5,000 comments.

Interestingly, a significant portion of the comments supported the father’s decision. One person even remarked, “If the child has good tennis shoes, then his legs must be fine.” It became clear that many people understand the deep bond between a father and his pet, and they believe it is essential to prioritize their pets’ needs.

In all fairness, it’s not uncommon for people to demonstrate more love for their pets than for their children. While most individuals may not explicitly choose dogs over their sons, they consider their pets to be just as important as their children. One person responded to a hypothetical choice between their pet and their child by saying, “If I had the option, I would adopt a collection of dogs. I love my kids, but my love for my dog is unparalleled.”


#humor cuando tu prioridad es tu perro no El Niño 🫣😬

♬ Televisa Presenta – soucitigrafix

This sentiment raises an intriguing question about the psychology of pet ownership and why some people may feel a stronger emotional connection to their pets. Dr. Julian Lagoy, MD, explains, “Loving your pet more than your children is possible because children can be a source of stress, drama, and complex needs that pets typically don’t have. Humans have historically formed deep bonds with dogs and cats, finding them to be more companionship-oriented compared to other animals.”

While it’s natural for individuals to have a unique bond with their pets, it’s essential to recognize if this preference starts to overshadow the love for their own children. Dr. Lagoy suggests seeking professional guidance if a pet is unconditionally prioritized over a human child and is treated with more care. Consulting with a mental health professional can provide individuals with a safe space to explore their feelings and gain valuable tools for self-reflection and growth.

However, Dr. Lagoy also emphasizes that feeling a stronger emotional connection to a pet on certain occasions should not be a cause for excessive guilt. Children can sometimes be challenging to handle, while pets offer unwavering support and loyalty. If one feels that their love for their dog exceeds their love for their child, it may be an opportunity to evaluate the parent-child relationship and identify any areas that require attention and improvement.

In conclusion, there is no definitive measure of love, and it is natural for individuals to have varying degrees of affection for their pets and children. While prioritizing a pet’s needs over a child’s may raise certain concerns, it’s vital to understand the underlying reasons and address them appropriately. Ultimately, our pets bring us immense joy and companionship, and as long as this doesn’t impede our ability to care for our children, there should be no reason to feel guilty about loving our furry friends.


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